Who leads the expansion of renewable energies in Germany
Published on: October 7, 2020 / Update from: October 7, 2020 - Author: Konrad Wolfenstein
Who leads in the expansion of renewable energies in Germany
Aerial view of the photovoltaic power plant Enni / Neukirchen-Vluyn – Image: Lukassek|Shutterstock.com
Schleswig-Holstein and Baden-Württemberg are leaders in the field of renewable energies. This is the result of a federal state comparison that was carried out Renewable Energy Agency (AEE) According to the scientists, the two countries are making the most efforts to increase the share of renewable energies in the heating sector and are almost equal in terms of the index points achieved (0.555 and 0.554 out of a maximum of one achievable point). They also have particularly ambitious goals for expanding renewable energy and climate protection. Saarland comes last with 0.248 points. The authors attest that the state has had little success in expanding renewable energies. There is also a lack of an energy policy program.
No federal state can rest on the results. The experts demand further efforts from all countries to achieve the federal government's climate goals. In order to serve as a role model, countries could set a good example and supply their properties with more renewable energy than before.
Four groups of indicators are included in the overall result, which measure the efforts and successes in the use of renewable energies and in technological and economic change. This creates the overall result shown on the map.
Schleswig-Holstein and Baden-Württemberg are leaders in the field of renewable energies. This is the result of a comparison of the federal states, which was commissioned by the Agency for Renewable Energies (AEE) . According to the scientists, the two states are making most efforts to increase the share of renewable energies in the heating sector and are almost on a par in terms of the index points achieved (0.555 and 0.554 from a maximum of one achievable point). In addition, they have particularly ambitious targets for the expansion of renewables and climate protection. The Saarland comes last with 0.248 points. The authors attest the state little success in the expansion of renewable energies. There is also a lack of an energy policy program.
No federal state can rest on its laurel. The experts call for further efforts by all states to achieve the federal government's climate targets. In order to set an example, the states could, for example, set a good example and supply their properties with more renewable energies than before.
Four groups of indicators are included in the overall result, which measure the efforts and successes in the use of renewable energies and technological or economic change. The overall result, which is shown on the map, is formed from these indicators.
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