Who is driving investments in renewable energies?
Published on: October 2, 2020 / Update from: October 15, 2020 - Author: Konrad Wolfenstein
Sustainable investments in the energy sector as a PDF, see below - Germany, once a poster child for renewable energy policy, performs particularly poorly when it comes to wind power investments due to complex approval processes that often deter investors.
Global investment in renewable energy has almost doubled in the last decade. During this period, Europe lost its position as a top investor in renewable energy and was overtaken by China and the United States. Investment in China according to a release from Bloomberg New Energy Finance, the United Nations and the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management . The data includes corporate and government R&D spending, investments in venture capital, private equity and public markets, as well as money spent on renewable energy assets and other such assets, the latter accounting for the largest share of investment worldwide.
In Europe, media reports indicate that investment in wind energy in particular has declined. The energy expert Professor Dr. Ulf Moslener from the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management links this to the fact that with the current market structure and organization, investors do not really believe in the long-term attractiveness of alternative energy production. Germany, once a poster child for renewable energy policy, performs particularly poorly in these wind power investments due to complex approval processes that often deter investors.
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Sustainable investments in the energy sector
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Renewable energy in China – Renewable energy in China
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This is how much the world is investing in clean energy
(Post from January 11, 2017)
According to Bloomberg New Energy Finance, $348 billion was invested in clean energy in 2015, the lion's share of which was in renewable energy (RE). While spending on environmentally friendly electricity generation is stagnating in large parts of the world, large-scale investments are apparently being made in Asia. China alone - which many consider to be the poor child of the international community when it comes to environmental protection - is responsible for 36 percent of renewable energy investments. The USA (15.4 percent) and Japan (12.7 percent) follow at some distance. Germany contributed three percent of the funds spent worldwide. The star among renewable energy sources is the sun: 56.3 of all renewable energy investments in 2015 went into the expansion of photovoltaics. A further 38.3 percent was spent on new wind turbines.
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Sales in the environmental protection industry
(Post from October 31, 2014)
The German wind power and solar energy industries are sought-after players worldwide. A look at the sales in these areas shows that a large part of them is generated abroad. This is even more the case with goods and services from the field of combined heat and power, although these are less strong domestically.