Renewable Energy: Global investment has increased
Published on: September 14, 2020 / Update from: April 26, 2021 - Author: Konrad Wolfenstein
The world is investing more in renewable energies
Significantly more is being invested in renewable energies worldwide today than 10 years ago. In addition, Europe has lost its top position in the ranking of countries and regions in which the most investments are made. This is shown by the graphic based on a publication by Bloomberg New Energy Finance . Accordingly, most of the money flowed to China in 2019 . The data includes corporate and government R&A investments, venture capital, private equity, public markets and asset financing. The latter represent the largest share of investments worldwide.
According to media reports, investments in wind power in particular have declined in Europe. Energy expert Professor Dr. Ulf Moslener from the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management sees the challenge now as being that “given the current market structure and organization, investors do not really believe in the long-term attractiveness of further investments in even more fluctuating electricity generation.” Germany in particular is cutting corners when it comes to investments in wind power bad. This is due to complex approval procedures, which would often deter investors.
Worldwide, significantly more is being invested in renewable energies today than 10 years ago. In addition, Europe has lost its top position in the ranking of countries and regions where the most investment is made. This is shown in the graph based on a publication by Bloomberg New Energy Finance . According to this, China was the country with the most money in 2019. The data includes R&A investments by companies and governments, venture capital, private equity, public markets and asset financing. The latter represents the largest share of investments worldwide.
In Europe, media reports indicate that investments in wind power in particular have declined. Energy expert Professor Dr. Ulf Moslener from the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management sees the challenge now in the fact that “with the current market structure and organization, investors do not really believe in the long-term attractiveness of further investments in even more fluctuating power generation. Germany, in particular, scores poorly on investments in wind power. This is due to complex approval procedures, which often deter investors.
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Suitable for:
Sustainable investments in the energy sector
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Renewable energy in China – Renewable energy in China
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