Success or bankruptcy? The metaverse is dead, is at the end - meta is not metaverse - the KAIZEN or iteration metaverse - the vision is alive
Published on: October 27, 2023 / Update from: October 27, 2023 - Author: Konrad Wolfenstein
📜🌍 Metaverse current
📈 Financial success of Meta – but not with Metaverse
Facebook's parent company, now known as Meta, has recently reported financial success. In the most recent quarter, the company achieved revenue of $34.1 billion, up 23% year-over-year. The jump in profits is even more impressive: from $4.4 billion to a breathtaking $11.6 billion. These numbers largely come from the advertising business, which forms the backbone of the company.
🌐 Meta and the Metaverse Project
However, not everything is rosy in the realm of meta. The development of their Metaverse project, especially Reality Labs, is in the red. With an operating loss of $3.74 billion, the question arises: Did Meta gamble away?
🚀 Horizon Worlds and reality
Meta's flagship project, Horizon Worlds, has not yet achieved the expected success. While the vision of a thriving virtual reality landscape full of fun and action sounded promising, the reality is sobering. The number of users is low, the development costs are enormous and the gameplay itself is perceived as questionable. There are currently no signs of improvement, and so the Metaverse project remains Meta's biggest problem child.
🌍 The Metaverse concept
A common mistake, however, is the assumption that Meta is “the” Metaverse. In fact, meta is just a small part of a much larger concept that spans various companies and technologies. Many believe that the Metaverse will revolutionize our economy and society in the future. But that breakthrough is likely to come only after a number of current projects have failed. Companies that get involved in the Metaverse hype early on are therefore entering uncertain territory.
📊 The hype cycle
In the world of business and technology there are often phenomena called hype. The market research company Gartner not only analyzed this trend, but also developed a theory with its hype cycle. She explains how public attention to new technologies waxes and wanes over time. Taking this cycle into account, it could be that Meta and other companies investing in the Metaverse are still in the “hype” phase.
🌟 Visionary or daring?
The exciting question is whether Meta's investment in the Metaverse is or can be viewed as visionary or as daring. The company certainly has the financial resources to take on this risk, but the lack of near-term success could be concerning for shareholders and investors. It is possible that the skepticism surrounding the Metaverse project is just a passing phase at the moment, similar to the initial doubts about the viability of Internet companies in the 1990s. With enough time and continued innovation, Meta could be able to create a viable and profitable virtual reality world that becomes a cornerstone of the digital age.
🌐 Challenges and opportunities
The company therefore faces a number of challenges, but also opportunities. It could use its significant financial reserves to further advance the Metaverse project, network with other players in this area or even acquire innovative start-ups. At the same time, Meta cannot neglect its core business areas, especially social media and advertising. Because while the Metaverse is an exciting field, it remains a risky and uncertain endeavor.
🏞️ Meta's balancing act
In this context, Meta is seen walking a tightrope between its traditional business foundation and the risky but potentially revolutionary world of the Metaverse. Only time will tell whether this bet will pay off or whether the company will drown in a sea of unfulfilled promises and heavy investments.
📣 Similar topics
- 🌐 Metaverse Project: Meta's Big Bet
- 💰 Meta's Financial Success: Towards Metaverse Dominance
- 🎮 Horizon Worlds: The Failure of a Metaverse Dream
- 📈 The hype about the Metaverse: vision or bubble?
- 💡 The Future of the Metaverse: Opportunities and Challenges
- 💼 Meta's Dilemma: Between traditional business and Metaverse innovation
- 💳 Metaverse Investments: Risk or Revolution?
- 🌍 The Metaverse and its impact on the economy and society
- 🚀 Meta's strategy in the Metaverse: Innovation and partnerships
- 💎 Meta's Metaverse: A valuable gem or an expensive experiment?
#️⃣ Hashtags: #Metaverse #Meta #HorizonWorlds #Hype #Innovation
📖 Introduction to the hype cycle
In the business world we encounter a fascinating phenomenon called hype. The renowned American market research company Gartner has not only gained deep insights into the origins of this phenomenon, but also developed a theory with its hype cycle that describes the development of public attention for innovative technologies over time.
💡 Creation of hype
The spark of hype is ignited by real or suspected technological progress. In the early days, this progress only attracted the attention of a small circle of industry experts. At this point it is still uncertain whether the innovation has the potential for profitable business concepts.
🚀 From prototype to hype
The next chapter begins with the development of prototypes and the introduction of pilot projects. Only now is the previously abstract technology becoming tangible for a larger audience. It is often left to chance whether a hype starts rolling. But once it gains momentum, many benefit from it: researchers and developers not only enjoy the limelight, but often also larger budgets. Journalists like to position themselves as discoverers of the “next big thing.” Marketing teams, in turn, celebrate every bit of positive press. And of course it is also attractive for top management to be perceived as a pioneer in an innovative sector.
🔚 The end of a hype
But every hype reaches its peak at some point. When reality does not match the high expectations and more and more business ideas fail, the discrepancy becomes obvious. The hype is exposed for what it is.
🌐 The Metaverse and the Future
In today's digital age, terms like “revolutionary” are used almost inflationarily. The Metaverse, a digital space where users can interact in an augmented reality, has also been hailed as revolutionary. But after every hype comes disillusionment – similar to the hangover after a night of drinking. The appeal of the new fades, but the idea behind it remains. The question is: will it be forgotten or will it be further developed?
🔄 Unpredictable twists in the story
The French revolutionary Pierre Vergniaud coined the saying “The revolution eats its own children.” He himself witnessed how his political companions were executed before he, too, met his fate on the scaffold. This quote reminds us that revolutions and major upheavals can often take unpredictable turns.
🌟 Visions and dreams in innovation
Helmut Schmidt, the former Chancellor of Germany, once responded to criticism of his lack of vision for the future with the saying: “Anyone who has visions should go to the doctor.” But visions and dreams drive us to discover and create new things.
🌐 Mark Zuckerberg and the potential of the Metaverse
Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, is well aware of the potential of the Metaverse, particularly in Asia, and the advances in the industrial Metaverse in the West through the concept of Industry 4.0. With all the means at his disposal, he fights not to disappear from the scene too early like Pierre Vergniaud in the history of the Metaverse or the French Revolution as a pioneer.
📣 Similar topics
- The Hype Cycle: The Rise and Fall of Innovative Technologies 🚀📉
- From Prototype to Hype: The Development of Breakthrough Technologies 🌟
- When the hype fades: The reality behind innovative ideas 💔
- The Metaverse: Revolution or temporary hype? 🌐
- Visions and dreams: fuel for innovation 💭
- Mark Zuckerberg and the potential of the Metaverse in Asia 🌏
- Industry 4.0: The path to the industrial metaverse 🏭
- Revolutions and unpredictable turns: lessons from history 📜
- Hype and reality: The tightrope walk of public attention 🎢
- From hype to disappearance: The story of pioneers 🚪
#️⃣ Hashtags: #HypeCycle #Innovation #Metaverse #Visions #MarkZuckerberg
🌐 Key differences in Metaverse development in Asia and the West – Metaverse approach, boom, dynamics and innovations
The Metaverse is a term that has come to the fore more and more in recent years. As a kind of overarching virtual universe that combines physical and digital elements, it represents the next step in the evolution of the Internet. While the concept is gaining attention worldwide, developments and approaches vary in different regions, particularly between Asia and the West.
More about it here:
🌐 Metaverse development not revolution - the iterative process (KAIZEN): patience, adaptability and vision
📰 Mark Zuckerberg and the Metaverse in Asia
Mark Zuckerberg is aware of the dynamic developments in the metaverse, especially in Asia. While Asia has taken the lead in many areas of the digital space, the West has developed a new approach to the “Industrial Metaverse” with the concept of Industry 4.0. This Industrial Metaverse is a fusion of the real and digital worlds, where physical and digital systems interact and cooperate with each other in real time.
💼 Zuckerberg's involvement in the Metaverse
Zuckerberg has invested heavily in building and developing the Metaverse. His commitment goes beyond simple business development. He has sought, personally and with his financial resources, to establish a dominant presence in this emerging digital landscape. The comparison with Pierre Vergniaud may seem far-fetched to some, but the intensity and commitment with which both men pursued their respective visions are certainly comparable.
🌐 Revolutions and long-term change
History teaches us that revolutions rarely bring about overnight change. They often lay the foundation for long-term change. This applies to both political and technological revolutions. While revolutions often bring sudden and radical change, it is the subsequent phases of adaptation and reformation that shape and consolidate lasting change.
🇫🇷 The French Revolution and technological revolutions
The French Revolution, for example, did not immediately bring the longed-for republic and civil liberties. It took years and many political twists and turns for the principles of the revolution to take hold. The situation is similar with technological revolutions. The introduction of the Internet in the 1990s did not immediately lead to the digital world we live in today. It took time to develop technologies, business models and cultural adaptations.
🔄 The ongoing process of the Metaverse
In this sense, building the Metaverse is more than just introducing a new technology or platform. It is a continuous process or iterative process (KAIZEN) that requires patience, adaptability and vision. It's not just about creating a new virtual world, but also about how that world interacts with our physical reality and how it affects our daily lives, our culture and our economy.
🌟 Small steps towards change
Finally, it is important to emphasize that true and lasting change is not only achieved through large revolutionary movements. It's often the small, incremental steps that lead to big changes over time. Whether it is social movements, political reforms, or technological innovations, the journey of change is often long and requires perseverance.
💪 The future of the Metaverse
In this sense, we should all, whether as individuals or as a society, be ready to participate in this continuous process of change and adaptation. The Metaverse may be in its infancy, but with the right vision and effort it can become an integral part of our future.
📣 Similar topics
- 🌐 The Revolution of the Metaverse: Mark Zuckerberg's Commitment
- 💡 From Industry 4.0 to the Industrial Metaverse: The future of fusion
- 🔮 The visionaries: Mark Zuckerberg and Pierre Vergniaud
- ⏳ Revolutions and their long-term influence: A parallel
- 🚀 The Evolution of the Metaverse: From Ideas to Reality
- 🌍 The Metaverse and integration into the physical world
- 💪 The Path to Change: Continuous Process of the Metaverse
- 🌱 Incremental steps to metaverse transformation
- 🤝 The Metaverse Journey: Collaboration of Reality and Digital
- 🌟 Mark Zuckerberg and shaping our digital future
#️⃣ Hashtags: #Metaverse #MarkZuckerberg #Revolution #Innovation #Transformation
🌐 Metaverse development in Germany, EU, USA, China, Japan and worldwide - exciting XR technology as an economic factor?
XR technology and the concept of the Metaverse are still in their early stages of development, but their potential as an economic driver is enormous. Companies that are able to adapt and leverage these technologies are likely to have a competitive advantage. At the same time, they offer consumers the opportunity to immerse themselves in a new, immersive world that can transform everything from social interactions to professional tasks. As these technologies continue to evolve, it is important to consider ethical and regulatory issues to ensure that the benefits of the Metaverse and XR technology can be enjoyed as broadly as possible. Ultimately, the success of this digital ecosystem will depend on how well different actors – governments, businesses and civil society – can work together. This is an exciting time for the Metaverse and XR technology, and we can't wait to see what innovations and applications lie ahead in the next few years.
More about it here:
📖 The 'Iterative Metaverse': An Evolutionary Advance in the Metaverse Revolution
🕰️ History shows that big changes rarely happen overnight. Although the French Revolution, which began in the late 18th century, led to significant changes in French society, the path to it was not straightforward. There were numerous uprisings, political upheavals and many uncertain moments before the ideals of the revolution could take hold.
🌐 This phenomenon of gradual change can be observed not only in history, but also in technology. With the introduction of the Internet in the 1990s, the possibilities and potential were visible, but it took years for the technology to become established in society. Business models also had to be adapted and new technologies developed in order to use the full potential of the Internet.
🪄 The Metaverse, a term that has been heard more and more recently, is also in constant evolution. The vision of the Metaverse is impressive: a virtual world that interacts seamlessly with physical reality, where people can communicate, work and interact as if they were physically present.
🚀 But as with all great visions, the path to the Metaverse is not straightforward. The 'Iteration Metaverse' describes the constant development and adaptation process of this technology. It is a step-by-step approach to making the vision of the Metaverse a reality.
🔍 The concept of the Iterative Metaverse reminds us that technology doesn't just advance in big, revolutionary steps. Often it is the small, incremental changes that accumulate over time and lead to major change. This also means that the Metaverse as we imagine it today will continue to evolve and change in the years to come. New technologies will emerge, existing ones will be adapted and optimized, and new business models will see the light of day.
🌟 But what exactly does that mean for us? It means that we embark on a journey that should be characterized by curiosity, openness to new things and the willingness to adapt. It is also a reminder that true innovation comes not only from nothing, but also from the constant pursuit of improvement and the desire to push the boundaries of what is possible.
🌆 In the future, for example, we could see the metaverse and the physical world merge even more closely. Perhaps one day we will be able to walk through our cities while simultaneously seeing elements of the Metaverse in real time, thanks to augmented reality technologies. Or we could have virtual workplaces that feel just as real as physical offices.
🚀 Ultimately, the 'Iterative Metaverse' shows us that the path to fully realizing the Metaverse will be long and characterized by constant evolution. But with commitment, curiosity and the willingness to constantly develop, we have an exciting future in the digital age.
🔄 The concept of 'Iterative Metaverse' illustrates the evolutionary process of technology development by highlighting the continuous progress and adaptation of the Metaverse. It shows that the path to realizing the Metaverse is characterized not only by large revolutionary leaps, but also by small, incremental changes. As with the French Revolution and the advent of the Internet, developing the Metaverse requires time, patience, and constant adaptation.
📣 Similar topics
- The Evolution of the Metaverse: From Small Steps to Big Changes 🌐
- Metaverse Revolution: From Concept to Reality 🚀
- Incremental Changes in the Metaverse: The Path to Innovation 🔄
- Augmented reality and the merging of metaverse and reality 👓
- The Future of Work: Virtual Offices in the Metaverse 💼
- The 'Iteration Metaverse': A journey into the digital future 🌟
- Metaverse Development: The Role of Technology and Business Models 📈
- The French Revolution and the Metaverse: Parallels in Change 🇫🇷
- Metaverse: Towards full realization 🌍
- Innovation in the Metaverse: Pushing the boundaries of what is possible 🚪
#️⃣ Hashtags: #Metaverse #Innovation #Technology #AugmentedReality #DigitalFuture
Germany is the leader here: 'Iteration Metaverse' solutions
Germany is the leader here: Iterative Metaverse solutions with XR technologies – Image: Xpert.Digital
An iterative metaverse solution is an approach to developing and improving metaverse technologies through incremental iterations and adjustments. This approach involves deriving smaller, efficient solutions from large metaverse visions that build on the experiences and insights from earlier development phases. The focus is on making continuous improvements and adapting technologies to changing requirements.
More about it here:
📋 KAIZEN and the iteration process
An iteration process is a repeated application of a procedure or method to achieve a specific goal or solve a problem. In each run of the process, also called an iteration, certain steps are carried out and the results are evaluated. Depending on the assessment, adjustments can be made for the next iteration. Iterative processes can be found in many areas such as software development, mechanical engineering, scientific research and many other applications.
- Planning: First, a plan is created for the first iteration.
- Implementation: The steps defined in the planning phase are carried out.
- Evaluation: The results of the iteration are analyzed.
- Adjustment: Based on the evaluation, changes are made for the next iteration.
- Repetition: The process begins again until the goal is achieved or the solution is found.
🤔 Is Kaizen an iteration process?
Yes, Kaizen is an iteration process. The term “Kaizen” comes from Japanese and means “change for the better” or simply “improvement”. In the context of business strategy and manufacturing, Kaizen refers to activities that promote continuous improvement of an organization's functions and processes. We constantly work on optimization in small steps.
An example of the iterative process in Kaizen is the “Kaizen Blitz”, in which a problem is broken down into smaller parts and then worked on in teams. This disassembly and machining of parts occurs in multiple iterations to achieve continuous improvements. 🔄✨
Suitable for:
Kaizen has its origins in the automotive industry. More specifically, it comes from Toyota. Japan was in economic decline after World War II. The overall economic problems also weighed on Toyota. The aim was to use a recurring method to work on the continuous improvement not only of the products, but also of the processes, structures and people. You invest in machines, they are written off and ultimately scrapped. Something new is coming. Processes and structures remain. Employees also stay. It therefore makes sense to continually improve the skills of workers and employees and to use their knowledge, experience and work performance.
Kaizen is also becoming increasingly popular in companies and organizations from other industries. For example, Kaizen is used in logistics, especially in intralogistics.
📖 Historical background to the cover photo
🎨 “Freedom Leads the People” – A masterpiece by Eugène Delacroix 🇫🇷
The painting “Freedom Leading the People” by Eugène Delacroix is undoubtedly one of the most important works in the history of art. This stunning painting, created in 1830, not only revolutionized the world of art but also had a profound cultural and political influence. With its monumental dimensions of 2.60 x 3.25 meters and its captivating display, it is no wonder that it now occupies a place of honor in the Louvre in Paris.
🖌️ Eugène Delacroix – A master of passion
The painting “Liberty Leads the People” was created by Eugène Delacroix, one of the most prominent representatives of French Romanticism. Delacroix was known for his passionate works and his ability to evoke strong emotional resonances in his viewers. This painting is no exception and embodies the artist's passion and commitment to the ideals of freedom and social justice.
🖼️ The drama of the July Revolution
The painting depicts a dramatic scene from the July Revolution of 1830 in France. In the middle of the picture there is an allegorical figure that represents freedom. She wears a red Phrygian cap, a symbol of freedom and revolution, and waves a French national flag. Freedom advances as the leader of the people who follow it. On the left side of the picture are the insurgents, armed and determined. On the right are the troops of the royal army fighting the revolutionaries. The scene is filled with a threatening atmosphere and the tension is literally palpable.
🎨 Colors and technology
The choice of colors and the technique Delacroix used add to the intensity of the painting. The rich red tones of the Freedom Cap and flag contrast sharply with the gloomy gray tones of the surroundings. Delacroix also skillfully used light and shadow to vividly highlight the figures and achieve a dramatic effect. This gives the painting an almost three-dimensional quality that draws the viewer into the scene.
📜 The political background
Eugène Delacroix painted “Freedom Leads the People” as a reaction to the political events of his time. The July Revolution of 1830 led to the abdication of King Charles X and the proclamation of the July Monarchy under King Louis-Philippe. Delacroix, who was himself politically active and supported the ideals of freedom and justice, saw this revolution as an opportunity for positive change. His painting was intended to inspire people and encourage them to stand up for their rights and freedoms.
🤔 Controversy and significance
An interesting facet of this painting is the fact that it initially met with mixed reactions. Some praised it as a work of great artistic and political significance, while others found it too controversial and provocative. In fact, the painting was temporarily removed from public view because it was considered too inflammatory. Nevertheless, the painting's artistic quality and powerful message could not be ignored, and it was eventually reopened to the public.
🌟 Symbolism and unity
“Freedom Leads the People” has undergone numerous interpretations and analyzes over the years. It is often seen as a symbol of the people's fight for their rights and freedoms. The figure of Liberty is seen as the embodiment of the ideals of the French Revolution of 1789. Their fighting spirit and determination radiate an inspiring message that reaches beyond the borders of France.
Furthermore, one can also see in this painting a reflection on the power of the people and the importance of unity and solidarity. The diversity of people in the scene – men, women, workers, soldiers – symbolizes the unity of the people in the pursuit of freedom and justice. This is a timeless message that is still relevant today.
🧐 Idealized figures
Eugène Delacroix was a master of emotion, and Freedom Leads the People is a masterpiece that captures the feelings and determination of people in a time of upheaval. The intensity and passion expressed in this painting make it a fascinating object of study for art lovers and historians alike.
It is also interesting to note that Delacroix sacrificed historical accuracy in depicting the characters. Instead, he idealized and stylized it to emphasize the emotional aspects of the scene. This approach resulted in the painting's figures being perceived as symbolic characters rather than realistic portraits.
🌍 Impact and aftermath
In the decades since its creation, “Freedom Leads the People” has repeatedly fired the imagination of artists, writers and political activists. It has been reinterpreted and adapted in various contexts and media. The painting is also present in pop culture, be it in films, music videos or political cartoons.
Today, “Freedom Leads the People” is seen as a symbol of the universal values of freedom, justice and unity. It reminds us that the fight for these values is often waged with passion and determination. The painting is a memorial to the importance of social change and the ability of individuals to influence history.
“Freedom Leads the People” by Eugène Delacroix leaves a deep impression on those who view it. It is a masterpiece of romantic art that speaks not only to history but also to the human soul. With its powerful message and impressive depiction, it will undoubtedly remain an important work in the art world for a long time, inspiring and moving viewers.
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