Electric car funding? From 2023, new requirements (deteriorations!) will be set for the environmental protection bonus in the area of electromobility
Published on: December 10, 2022 / Update from: December 10, 2022 - Author: Konrad Wolfenstein
Electromobility: New funding conditions for electric cars – Image: Med Photo Studio|Shutterstock.com
From 2023, new requirements will be set for the environmental protection bonus in the area of electromobility
The electromobility funding program will be more focused on climate protection from January 1, 2023. From this point onwards, the funding for vehicles with plug-in hybrid drives will no longer apply and new reduced funding rates will apply.
The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK) has adjusted the environmental bonus with new guidelines. This means that the funding is focused on climate protection and the budget funds are used even more specifically. The new version of the directive will come into force on January 1, 2023.
From this date
- Funding applications can no longer be submitted for plug-in hybrid vehicles,
- new reduced funding rates apply to battery-electric vehicles and fuel cell vehicles,
- the minimum holding period is increased to 12 months to 24 months,
- and the previous restriction that young used vehicles can only be funded if registered with the second owner is no longer applicable.
Further adjustments will follow in 2023:
- From September 1, 2023, only private individuals can submit funding applications.
- From January 1, 2024, the maximum net list price up to which vehicles are eligible for funding will be reduced to 45,000 euros and the funding rates will be simplified.
Since the funding program began in July 2016, applications for the electric car bonus have been made for around 1.64 million electrically powered vehicles. On the BAFA website, applicants can find all information about the new funding conditions and what must be taken into account when submitting an application by December 31, 2022.
The application process has been made more citizen-friendly several times in recent years. For example, the automatic data exchange between the Federal Motor Transport Authority and the BAFA meant that uploading the registration certificate was no longer necessary. Applicants can also track the status of their application by simply querying the BAFA website.
Further information at: www.bafa.de/umweltbonus
If you apply from January 1, 2023 up to and including December 31, 2023, the federal share of the environmental bonus including the innovation bonus as a non-repayable subsidy and the manufacturer's share is:
When applying from January 1, 2024 up to and including December 31, 2024, the federal share of the environmental bonus including the innovation bonus as a non-repayable subsidy and the manufacturer's share is:
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Promoting electromobility is seen as the key to climate-friendly mobility, which should take Germany one step further towards EU climate neutrality by 2050.
Private individuals, companies, foundations, corporations and associations can apply for the environmental bonus. Only purchases or leasing of new vehicles that were purchased and (first) registered from May 18, 2016 and remain registered to the applicant for at least six months are eligible for funding. In November 2019, as part of the concerted mobility campaign, it was decided to extend the environmental bonus until 2025 or until the total paid out amounted to 2.09 billion euros. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the parliamentary group leaders decided on June 3, 2020 to double the state share of the environmental bonus for electric vehicles as an innovation bonus.
In 2008, the federal government set the goal of putting one million electric vehicles on German roads by 2020 in the “National Electromobility Development Plan”. The automotive industry, which is important for the German economy, should also play a key role there and maintain and further expand its strong position in the global economy.
More about this here: Solar carport demand is also increasing thanks to the environmental bonus to promote electric cars
Xpert.Digital – Konrad Wolfenstein
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