Climate protection: theory and practice
Published on: October 1, 2020 / Update from: October 1, 2020 - Author: Konrad Wolfenstein
No discernible trend in climate protection
Manufacturing companies (excluding construction) in Germany spent 2.4 billion euros on climate protection in 2018 - according to the Federal Statistical Office to around a quarter of investments in environmental protection. Of this, “1.1 billion euros were spent on measures to use renewable energies. These include, for example, wind turbines and photovoltaic systems. A further 1.0 billion euros were invested in measures to increase energy efficiency and save energy.” Compared to the previous year, climate protection investments have increased slightly. A look at the last ten years shows that there is no discernible trend in climate protection.
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Climate protection: The world is not doing enough
The organization Germanwatch has presented its Climate Protection Index (KSI) 2020 . In it, countries around the world are assessed according to their efforts to protect the climate, according to the indicators “greenhouse gases”, “renewable energies”, “energy consumption” and “climate policy”. With the following result: According to the KSI 2020, no country is doing enough to stop global warming. The USA is doing particularly badly, coming in last place. Russia and Australia also achieve very poor index values for climate protection.
Germany is in 23rd place in the ranking, with an index value of 55.78 out of 100 possible points. This means that the Federal Republic is still behind countries like India and Brazil when it comes to climate protection efforts, as the graphic shows. The best result in 2020 was achieved by Sweden. No country reaches places one to three because, according to Germanwatch, no state is doing enough to stop climate change.
For the KSI 2020, Germanwatch evaluated a total of 56 countries worldwide. The aim of the ranking is to build pressure on states when it comes to climate protection.
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