Blockchain vs Fintech
Published on: August 25, 2018 / Update from: August 31, 2018 - Author: Konrad Wolfenstein
Every child now knows blockchain and the cryptocurrencies closely negotiated with it, such as Bitcoin.
But what about fintech companies?
Many people shrug their shoulders in perplexity, even though these companies are currently preparing to completely transform the financial industry. Perhaps the best-known representative, PayPal, now has a market capitalization of over 90 billion euros and the value of the young payment service provider Wirecard now exceeds that of Deutsche Bank.
In view of the continuously increasing sales in e-commerce, it can be assumed that the importance of fintechs will increase significantly in the near future, while the development of blockchain solutions appears to be at least uncertain in some cases - reason enough to compare the two concepts with each other:
- FINTECH: Financial technology or Fintech, a new financial industry
- BLOCKCHAIN: Cryptocurrency Blockchains: All information short and compact