The order of the list of the 10 most populous countries in the world will change significantly until 2100. This is shown by the Statista graphics based on data from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) . After that, China will lose half of its population during this period and the list will be five African countries. Only Nigeria is currently in the top list. The Subsahara region in Africa is the only region in the world that will continue to grow by the end of the century. According to research, the population decline in the strongly shrinking states has various reasons. Accordingly, there are states with a high emigration, such as the Southeast European countries, towards the more financial and wage-strong EU countries Central and Western Europe. Especially in the area of care and craft professions, many workers leave their home country. In other countries, the birth rate shrinks significantly, such as in China. In contrast to the UN Population Devision, researchers assume that the number of world population will be less than 2017 . Billions of people (Excel download, data sheet “Medium Variant”). IHME researchers expect 8.8 billion people in the basic scenario.
The IHME is a research institute working in the field of global health and demographic development at the University of Washington in Seattle. To make their forecast, the researchers took a number of demographic factors into account, such as increasing life expectancy, migration and fertility rates and access to contraceptives.
Accord to a Current Forecast, The Order of the List of the 10 Most Populous Countries in the World Will Change Significantly by the Year 2100. This is Shown in the Statista Graph Based On Data from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) . According to the graph, China Will Half of Its Population During this period and there will be five african country on the list. Currently, only nigeria is in the top list. Sub-Saharan Africa is the only region in the world that will continue to grow by the end of the century. According to Research, there are Various Reasons for the Population Decline in thesis Rapidly Shrinking States. On the one hand, there are states with high emigration, search as the southeast European States, Towards The Financialy Stronger and more wage-intensive EU Countries of Central and Western Europe. Many workers Leave their Home Countries, Especialy in the Care and Craft Trades Sectors. In Oth Countries, The Birth Rate is Shrinking Significantly, For Example in China. In contrast to the unpopulation division, researchers at ihme assume that the world population will be Smaller in 2100 than forecast, assuming a medium assumed population growth rate, predicts a total world population of 10.9 trillion people in 2100 (Excel Download, Data Sheet “Medium Variant”). Researchers at Ihme Expect 8.8 Billion People in the Base Scenario.
IHME is a research institute working in the field of global health and demographic development at the University of Washington in Seattle. For their forecast, the researchers have taken a number of demographic factors into account, such as rising life expectancy, migration and fertility rates, and access to contraception.