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Women in Germany

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Women in Germany – Image: oneinchpunch|

Based on surveys of recent years, women and girls in Germany call various topics that they consider important, even vital. These topics include the same payment of men and women, sexual harassment and different types of violence. Germany is one of several European countries who believe that domestic violence is one of the main problems with which women are faced with. With rising figures registered for 2019. The keyword is “reports”, because unfortunately female victims of domestic violence do not always contact the law enforcement authorities about their abuse.

The German population is almost evenly divided by gender, with more women than men in 2019. Almost a quarter of German women earn between 500 and 1,000 euros net. Fortunately, the unemployment rate for women in the country has been falling year after year since 2005 and is 4.7 percent in 2019. The majority of German women work in areas such as education or school, home economics, theology, medical health care and other areas of care. However, Germany still has some catching up to do when it comes to the proportion of women in management positions. Only one industry came close to the 40 percent rate in 2018, namely healthcare. In a global comparison, Germany even has one of the lowest proportions of female entrepreneurs.

As in many other countries, the lives of women in Germany are associated with an enormous spectrum of different experiences. These experiences, in turn, are based on personal values, upbringing, social interaction at different ages and situations, educational opportunities, employment, political legislation, health care, safety aspects, families and relationships - the list goes on.

Romantic relationships are no longer dominated by the idea of ​​marriage and children, or at least the events are not expected to occur in that order. Many women find themselves in long-term relationships and later having children with their partner, to give just one example, and possibly getting married afterwards. On average, women in Germany get married at the age of 32, according to current data. While in the 1990s most women married in their twenties, this number steadily increased in later years. Most women have their first child shortly before their thirtieth birthday. Around 50 percent of singles in Germany are female. These developments are part of a broader demographic change taking place in Germany, as well as an increasing diversity in how gender roles are perceived and lived.

You can find more interesting data, facts, statistics and insights here:

Women in Germany – Women in Germany

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Women in Germany

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