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USA: Online shopping under the influence of alcohol

USA: Shopping online while under the influence – @envato | Raw pixels

USA: Shopping online while under the influence – @envato | Raw pixels

If you have already enjoyed a few glasses of wine and made a spontaneous, drunk online shopping, you are not alone. A current survey by the “The Hustle” website showed that 79 percent of American alcohol consumers provide at least one drunk purchase. The survey included more than 2,000 alcoholic adults and the average expenses for drunk purchases per year, which were estimated at $ 444, estimates “The Hustle” that the drunk shopping of the US economy has a value of $ 45 billion per year.

Amazon is the platform of choice, used by 85 percent of drunk shoppers, followed by eBay at 21 percent and Etsy at 12 percent. The most common purchase under the influence is clothing and shoes, while movies and games are the next most popular shopping categories. The following infographic shows where, on average, people shop the most while drunk each year, with the southern US standing out prominently. According to the survey, Kentucky has the highest average annual spending at $742.

If you've ever enjoyed a couple of glasses of win and made a spontaneous, drunk online Purchase, you aren't alone. A recent survey by the website “The Hustle”, Found that 79 Percent of American Alcohol Consumers Said They have at least one drunk. The survey Involved More Than 2,000 Alcohol Consuming Adults and Average Drunk Shopping Expenditure Per Year Worked Out AT $ 444. In Total, “The Hustle” Estimates that drunk shopping is Worth $ 45 Billion per year to the us economy.

Amazon is the platform of choice, used by 85 percent of drunk shoppers and it is followed by eBay with 21 percent and Etsy's 12 percent. The most common purchase under the influence is clothing and shoes while movies and games are the next most popular shopping categories. The following infographic shows where people spend the most on average per year shopping while drunk with the south of the US clearly standing out. According to the survey, Kentucky has the highest average annual spend at $742.

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