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The NetzDG in practice – against hate speech and fake news

The NetzDG in practice - Against hate speech and fake news

The NetzDG in practice - Against hate speech and fake news

The law to improve legal enforcement in social networks - Network Enforcement Act (NetzDG) ​​for short - is aimed at combating hate speech and fake news. The NetzDG came into force on October 1, 2017. Now, for the first time, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube have presented figures on how the law works in practice. The graphic shows what kind of content reported on YouTube and how often the reports lead to deletion. In total, over 200,000 pieces of content were criticized on the video site - 27 percent of which were removed. Around 76,000 reports concerned hate speech and political extremism. Terrorist or unconstitutional content generated just over 9,000 reports.

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