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The most cited media in Germany 2018 - Most cited media in Germany 2018

BILD is at the top of the MEDIA TENOR quote ranking in 2018. Accordingly, the tabloid was quoted 1,203 times by leading German media. SPIEGEL follows in second place. Here you can look forward to over 1,098 mentions from your colleagues. The NEW YORK TIMES concludes the top group of the top 10 with 903 quotes. The biggest winner is HANDELSBLATT with an increase of 179 quotes or 25 percent.

The BILD is at the top of the MEDIA TENOR citation ranking in 2018. According to the ranking, the tabloid was cited 1,203 times by leading German media. SPIEGEL follows in second place. Here they can be pleased with over 1,098 mentions from the colleagues. The NEW YORK TIMES concludes the top 10 with 903 citations. The HANDELSBLATT is the biggest winner with an increase of 179 citations or 25 percent.

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