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Study: A Comprehensive LinkedIn Profile Boosts Job Chances - Study: A Comprehensive LinkedIn Profile Boosts Job Chances

Study: A comprehensive LinkedIn profile increases job opportunities – @shutterstock | Stanislau Palaukou

Study: A comprehensive LinkedIn profile increases job opportunities – @shutterstock | Stanislau Palaukou

LinkedIn and similar professional networks have become increasingly important to modern job seekers. How important has LinkedIn become today? A new study from CV and ResumeGo tried to find out. The study found that applicants with an extensive LinkedIn profile were 71 percent more likely to receive a callback for an interview than applicants without a LinkedIn profile. The field test was conducted between October 2018 and March 2019 and included 24,750 fictitious resumes submitted to job postings on a number of job search sites such as Indeed and Glassdoor.

While a third of the CVs did not contain a link to the applicant's LinkedIn profile, another third linked a “bare bones” profile, with the last third had a comprehensive profile. The latter received a recall rate of 13.5 percent, 71 percent more than the recall rate of 7.9 percent for applicants without a LinkedIn profile. The study categorized the jobs to the categories Entry-Level, Mid-Level or Management. It was found that with increasing level of employment, the recall rates dropped, which indicates that the importance of the LinkedIn profile decreased.

LinkedIn and similar professional networks have become increasingly important for modern-day job seekers. Just how important has LinkedIn become today? A new study by CV and resume writing service ResumeGo attempted to find out. The research found that job applicants with an extensive LinkedIn profile were 71 percent more likely to get a callback for a job interview than candidates without any LinkedIn profile. The field experiment was undertaken between October 2018 and March 2019 and involved 24,750 fictitious resumes being submitted to job openings on a range of job search websites like Indeed and Glassdoor.

While A Third of the Resumes Did not Contain a Link to the Applicant's Linkedin Profile, Another Third Linked to A “Bare Bones” Profile with the final Third Having a Comprehensive Profile. The Latter Received A Callback Rate of 13.5 Percent which is 71 percent higher than the callback rate of 7.9 percent for applicants with any linkedin profile. The Study Categorized Jobs as Entry-Level, mid-level or Managerial Level. It found that as the job level increased, The Callback Rates Fell, Suggesting that the importance of the linkedin profile fur.

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