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Agri-PV: harvesting robot for strawberries - ideal for solar greenhouses with their own electricity generation and automated irrigation system

Harvesting robot for strawberries (symbolic image) in a solar greenhouse with semi-transparent solar panels as a roof

Harvesting robot for strawberries (symbolic image) in a solar greenhouse with semi-transparent solar panels as a roof - Image: Xpert.Digital

🍓 Agri-PV: Harvesting robot for strawberries - The perfect integration of solar greenhouses, self-generated electricity and automated irrigation

🌾 Modern solutions for agriculture: Robots optimize harvesting processes

The use of harvesting robots answers the increasing personnel shortages in agriculture and the growing shortage of workers in this sector. These state-of-the-art machines not only provide a solution to these bottlenecks, but also significantly optimize the entire harvesting process. They work around the clock, significantly increasing the efficiency and productivity of farms.

🔍 Careful and efficient harvesting

A standout feature of the strawberry harvesting robot is its ability to carefully harvest the fruits without touching them directly. This process takes place by precisely cutting off the fruit on the stem. This method minimizes the risk of damage and ensures that the strawberries remain in perfect condition. The robot carefully places the fruits in sales bowls, which not only maintains the quality of the fruits, but also significantly reduces the manual work of sorting and packaging.

🧪 Integrated quality control and precise sorting

Another innovative feature of these robots is the integrated quality control. Thanks to the advanced software and the highly developed image recognition technology, the variety, degree of ripeness and filling level of the strawberries can be individually adjusted and precisely recognized. This ensures that only fruits with optimal ripeness and of the highest quality are harvested and packaged. The ability to sort and control independently ensures that the amount of manual work required is further reduced while at the same time ensuring consistently high product quality.

⚖️ Accurate weighing and packaging processes

In addition to harvesting, the robot also ensures precise weight recording and perfect packaging of the fruit. As soon as the desired filling weight is reached, the harvesting robot automatically moves on to the next box, which is also replaced independently. This process guarantees an optimal filling level of the packaging and ensures that there is no over- or under-filling, which is advantageous for both logistics and retail.

🛤️ Autonomous navigation and efficient transportation

The harvesting robots are also equipped with autonomous navigation systems. This technology allows them to move around the greenhouse independently, significantly saving time and effort. The robot can transport up to 20 kilos of fruit in its on-board storage system before it needs to be emptied. Operation takes place 24 hours a day and the energy supply is ensured by modern batteries that can be easily recharged when necessary. This enables a continuous and efficient harvesting process without interruptions.

☀️ Agri-PV: A combination of solar energy and innovative agriculture

The integration of harvesting robots into an agri-photovoltaic (agri-PV) system represents a particularly interesting and future-oriented combination. Agri-PV systems use solar panels that are set up above or next to the cultivated areas to generate solar energy, which is then used directly used to power greenhouses and agricultural equipment.

These solar greenhouses are not only energy self-sufficient, but also offer an ideal environment for the operation of the harvesting robots. The solar energy generated can be used directly to power the robots and other automated systems, reducing dependence on external energy sources and reducing operating costs.

💧 Automated irrigation systems for optimal growth conditions

Another advantage of combining Agri-PV and harvesting robots is the possibility of integrating fully automated irrigation systems. These systems ensure that the plants always receive the optimal amount of water, which promotes plant growth while conserving resources. The irrigation systems can also be powered by solar energy, further increasing their sustainability.

🔌 Plug and play solution for easy integration

The technology of the harvesting robots in combination with Agri-PV systems is designed as a plug-and-play solution that can be easily integrated into existing greenhouses. This means that farms do not have to undertake extensive renovation work to use these innovative systems. The ease of installation and immediate use make this technology particularly attractive for farmers who want to optimize and modernize their processes.

🚜 Advantages of automation in agriculture

Automation through harvesting robots and Agri-PV systems offers numerous advantages. In addition to increasing efficiency and reducing costs, these technologies also help improve working conditions by reducing heavy and repetitive manual work. This not only creates economic benefits, but also a higher level of occupational safety and comfort for the few remaining human workers.

🌱 Future prospects and sustainability

The use of harvesting robots and Agri-PV systems offers enormous potential for the future of agriculture. These technologies can help make agricultural production more sustainable and environmentally friendly. By reducing the use of chemicals, improving resource efficiency and using renewable energies, they make an important contribution to environmental protection and combating climate change. In addition, these technologies give agricultural businesses greater independence from external resources, making them more resilient to market fluctuations and supply bottlenecks.

The combination of harvesting robots and agri-PV systems represents a groundbreaking development in modern agriculture. They combine technological innovations with ecological sustainability and thus offer a future-oriented solution to the challenges of today's and future agricultural production.

📣 Similar topics

  • 📣 Revolutionary harvesting robots: efficiency and sustainability for strawberries
  • 🌱 Agri-PV systems: The future of automated strawberry harvesting
  • 🌞 Solar energy meets strawberries: innovation in agriculture
  • 🤖 Pioneering: Agri-PV and harvesting robots in perfect harmony
  • 🏡 Self-sufficient agriculture: solar greenhouses with harvesting robots
  • 🔍 Precise Harvest: Strawberries harvested and packaged by robot
  • 🚜 High-tech solutions for strawberry harvesting
  • 💧 Smart irrigation and autonomous harvesting: efficiency through Agri-PV
  • 🔋 Self-sufficient greenhouses: Benefits of solar energy and robotics
  • 🛠️ Easy integration: Plug-and-play harvesting robots into agri-PV systems

#️⃣ Hashtags: #harvesting robots #AgriPV #solar energy #automation #sustainability


🍓 Organifarms and EBZ Group: Revolutionizing agriculture together 🤖

Scaling of harvesting robots – EBZ Group enters into partnership with Organifarms – Image: Organifarms

🌾 Organifarms has been developing state-of-the-art harvesting robots for several years that have been specifically designed for use in strawberry harvesting

The Konstanz start-up Organifarms is committed to revolutionizing the agricultural sector with innovative robotics technology. In a recent development phase, the young company achieved a significant success: winning the EBZ Group, a leading plant manufacturer and automation expert from Ravensburg, as a strategic partner and investor. This partnership promises to significantly advance Organifarms' ambitions to sustainably transform agriculture through automation.

🚀 Dominik Feiden, CEO and co-founder of Organifarms, is enthusiastic about the new collaboration

He emphasizes the importance of the EBZ Group as an established partner that offers much more than just financial support. With its expertise in the field of plant engineering and automation, the EBZ Group is intended to make a decisive contribution to the product development and scaling of Organifarms' innovative harvesting robots. These robots, which are already being used in some farms to harvest strawberries, mark the beginning of a revolutionary development in agriculture. They are the result of three years of intensive research and development, financed by the Startup BW pre-seed program as well as funding from the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) and the Agricultural Pension Bank.

👨‍🌾 The use of autonomous harvesting robots is a direct response to some of the most pressing challenges

What farmers are facing today: labor shortages and rising operating costs. In this context, Feiden emphasizes the importance of a strong partner who not only provides financial resources, but can also deliver on the promises of high product reliability and scaling options. The alliance with EBZ not only opens the door to new markets for Organifarms, but also enables the startup to raise its production to an industrial level and further ensure the quality of its products. Designed for reliability and efficiency, Organifarms robots offer farmers an advanced solution to overcome labor shortages and increase the productivity of their farms.

🤝 Thomas Bausch, CEO of the EBZ Group, sees the investment in Organifarms as a strategically smart step

He points out how his company's skills can optimally support the scaling and further development of picking robots. At the same time, Organifarms' technology enriches the EBZ Group's innovation projects, creating mutual added value. This symbiosis underpins the shared goal of sustainably transforming agriculture through the use of advanced robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) and shaping a future in which the labor shortage is effectively addressed while ensuring the supply of fresh fruit and vegetables all year round is guaranteed.

🌍 Organifarms' vision goes far beyond the development of harvesting robots

It represents a paradigm shift in agriculture in which innovative technologies play a central role. The advanced robotics and AI pioneered by Organifarms and the EBZ Group has the potential to not only increase the efficiency and productivity of agricultural production, but also contribute to sustainability and environmental protection. The automation of processes can mean that fewer chemical pesticides have to be used and the soil condition is protected by the robots working precisely and as needed.

🍏 In addition, the transparency of the origin of food is playing an increasingly important role for consumers

Organifarms' technology can help improve product traceability and reassure consumers that their food has been produced under fair and environmentally friendly conditions. In a world where the demand for local and sustainably produced food is constantly growing, Organifarms and the EBZ Group can take a pioneering role and show how the use of modern technologies can make agriculture more efficient, sustainable and transparent.

🌱 Ultimately, the partnership between Organifarms and the EBZ Group represents an optimistic look into the future

A future where modern technologies and sustainable practices go hand in hand to address the challenges of global food production. It demonstrates the power of synergy between established corporations and innovative start-ups working together to revolutionize the agricultural sector. Through their focus on progress and sustainability, they not only offer solutions to farmers' current problems, but also formulate an invitation for society to adopt agricultural practices that are beneficial for both people and the planet.



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