Published on: January 30, 2025 / update from: January 31, 2025 - Author: Konrad Wolfenstein
Courage to change: The new social media concept of
Industrie-Hub 2.0: How thinks the digital landscape newly thinks is facing a basic new beginning. "We start a new social media concept," says our ranks, and associated with this is the clear confession of cutting old braids and learning from previous mistakes. This step is the same for us a "radical cure". We are aware that we have done a lot right, but also that a certain operating blindness has crept in over time. Because the priorities had to be postponed again and again in favor of our partners and customers, our own project development fell behind. Now we no longer want to rest on the fact that is a “information page and industry magazine” for some. For ourselves there is much more behind it: an "industrial hub and a content factory", which we can observe in a comparable form even among large companies such as Telekom (Cofa), Bosch or L'Oréal-but we still go with our approach A little further.
We want to use as a cross -topic platform, both for our own business development as well as for PR and marketing. We are not only in focus, but also our partners and customers. Finally, we are convinced that a future-proof digital strategy should include all aspects of communication-from professional content production to targeted distribution to targeted use in social networks. With the increasing importance of artificial intelligence (AI), another aspect is added: reliability and trust are more important than ever today. A crucial factor for this is EEAT, a concept that is becoming increasingly important in marketing and in PR and is considered a key element for professional communication and sustainable building structure.
Suitable for:
- SEO 2025: More and more towards EEAT, pillar pages, cluster content and semantic search
- SEO pioneer from the very beginning with SEO.AG
In the following we would like to explain what Eeat means exactly why it is so important for PR and marketing and how we want to make use of it ourselves. We also take a look at how we use our latest traffic growth - including via search engines, Google News and Google Discover - as a springboard to start again in the social media world. In this way, should not only step out of the shadow of his past, but also develop consistently and set new standards.
The path to realignment: Why old braids are cut off
There is a point in every company where standstill is no longer acceptable. When we say: "We are leaving old braids and learn from our mistakes", then that sums up exactly this moment. At, a certain comfort zone has spread, in which we consistently provided our services for our partners and customers, but neglected our own projects.
Business blindness often creeps in when day-to-day business changes a view of improvement and innovation potential. You work routinely, use all resources for existing obligations and eventually overlook your own chances of growth. For us, this process was almost imperceptible because we always focused on the satisfaction of our customers. Although this is quite commendable, the risk of losing sight of the actual vision and does not question internal processes.
We want to go back to our origin: as a thought factory and platform that brings together topics, industries and perspectives. But today we go far beyond this origin. Our ambition is to establish even more as a central hub, on which all strands of digital communication are combined. as an industrial hub and content factory
“For some, is an information page and industry magazine. For us, is an industrial hub and content factory. ”This comparison illustrates that we have not only deliver editorial content, but that there is a comprehensive concept behind
An industrial hub bundles knowledge, contacts and resources. It acts like a turntable where different departments meet, synergies arise and ideas grow. This principle can not only be applied to the large companies of the world, but also to small and medium -sized businesses that want to make the leap into the digital age. We see ourselves in the role of an intermediary and enabler. Our content should inform, inspire and at the same time create strategic benefits.
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As a content factory, we are similar to established in-house agencies of large corporations that are responsible for the professional, comprehensive and continuous creation of media content. Anyone who visits not only gets a quick news overview, but also finds deep information about current industry topics, interviews with experts, advisors for companies and much more. We cover a wide range from editorial articles to white paper to video productions or interactive formats. This ensures that we reach different target groups on different channels.
However, we differ from pure production facilities for content by our expanded understanding of what digital communication has to do today. We do not consider content as a pure end product, but as part of an integrated strategy that promotes long -term visibility, reputation and business success.
More than just one platform: the new role of
However, our approach goes a little further. "We use our as a cross -topic platform for our business development, PR and marketing," says our stated goal. This is the focus of our own strategy and at the same time fall back on our long -term expertise, which we have used primarily on behalf of our customers.
For us, Business Development means: We want to recognize opportunities and open up new business areas for our customers and partners. To do this, we have to perceive trends early, analyze market needs and develop innovative offers. By using as a central platform, we bundle all this information in one place and create an optimal starting point for strategic decisions.
PR and marketing, on the other hand, go far beyond classic press releases and advertisements. Authenticity, credibility and sustainability are required. People don't just want to consume, but question the seriousness of an offer and look for real added value. We can transport exactly these values via Xpert.Digital. We can demonstrate our competence, tell stories, explain trends and at the same time communicate with our customers and partners at eye level.
The importance of artificial intelligence (AI) and why trust is essential
A central topic that is currently on everyone's lips is: artificial intelligence. Its influence on economy, society and also digital communication is growing rapidly. This is associated with the question of how we can use this technology sensibly and responsibly. AI offers enormous potential: from automated data evaluation to chatbots to highly personalized marketing campaigns. But as soon as AI comes into play, trust becomes a decisive factor.
Users, customers and partners want to know whether they can rely on the information provided to you. They question how data are recorded and processed and whether ethical standards are observed. This is exactly where Eeat's concept comes into play: Experience, expertise, authority and trusting.
Eeat explained in more detail
Eeat is an expansion of the well-known EAT concept (expertise, authoritativeness, trusting), which plays a central role, especially in the context of Google guidelines for high-quality content. The additional "E" for experience is now also about whether and in what form there are real user experiences in order to support the credibility of content. In summary, EEAT means:
1. Experience (experience)
It counts whether someone has real, practical experience with the topic. For example, if you write about a product or service, you should have gained experience with it in any form.
2. Expertise (expertise)
This refers to the content of the content. A person or organization should be demonstrably well known in the respective area and provide relevant information.
3. Authoritativeness (authority)
How recognized or how influential is a source? This aspect affects both the reputation of an author or company in a specialist area and perception by other experts.
4. Trustworthiness (trustworthiness)
Trust is a key factor in all matters. Is information handled carefully and transparently? Are promises adhered to? Is dealing with data responsible?
For PR and marketing, it is essential to take Eeat into account, because only if a brand or a company is considered trustworthy will people be willing to give their hearing, buy products or to take advantage of services. Especially in times of fake news, disinformation and a flood of unqualified articles on the Internet, it is more important for companies to profile themselves through quality and transparency.
Why Eeat is a key to success for PR and marketing
In essence, it is about sustainable trust. If interested parties or customers feel well advised and know that there are serious providers behind a product or service, the likelihood higher is that they will remain loyal in the long term or make recommendations. So EEAT not only attracts short -term attention, but also offers the basis for stable and permanent customer loyalty.
Customers want to see that they have actively dealt with their problem, accept feedback and initiate improvements. A company that specifically shows what experiences it gains and what teachings it has drawn seems more authentic.
Expertise (expertise)
A professional image creates factual and professionally well -founded communication. Anyone who only throws around with keywords in PR and marketing will quickly be exposed. Content that delivers real added value stands out from the crowd.
Authority (Authoritativeness)
Anyone who is a recognized authority reaps respect. A company or an expert who is confirmed and quoted by other renowned actors gains credibility.
This is the foundation of every customer relationship. Even the best campaign cannot be permanently successful without trust. In the digital space, this applies all the more because potential customers can easily be deterred by negative reviews or criticism. Open, honest communication and compliance with promises are decisive factors here.
Upswing through rising traffic: the next step in the social media world
At the end of last year we experienced a noticeable traffic increase at, both about search engines and via Google News and Google Discover. Google Discover has shown us how important it is not only to appear in the classic search results, but also in those personalized recommendations that users are increasingly using for their daily information.
The topic of visibility in the digital space is complex. You can create such good content - if nobody finds it, the potential fizzles out. Search engine optimization and a clever content strategy are therefore only the beginning. With Google News and Google Discover we have taken a step in the right direction, but we now want to tackle our social media presence again. Those who are active in social networks can open up new target groups, increase brand awareness and promote direct interactions.
"Now we want to seriously tackle the social media world and continue, continue to develop our development," we have coordinated internally. The question is: How do we design this in concrete terms?
From observer to active designer in social networks
In recent years, we have sometimes been a observer in the social media sector as an active designer. We were present on various platforms, but there was no holistic strategy. Here we want to start in the future and pursue a clear, coordinated concept.
1. Clear target definition
First of all, we have to be aware of which goals we pursue with our social media presence. Do we want to win new customers, make our brand better known, share knowledge or build a community? Depending on the objective, we have to adjust the content and the tone. A pure Broadcast approach ("We only send our message") is no longer sufficient. Social media lives from interaction, dialogue and trust.
2. Select suitable channels
There are a variety of platforms: LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube and more. Not every network is equally suitable for every company or content. As an industrial hub and content factory, our focus is more on platforms that support B2B communication, specialist information and professional networking. LinkedIn is therefore an important cornerstone, while a tictok channel only makes sense if we can define suitable formats and target groups.
3. Develop content strategy
A content strategy for social media differs in some points from the one that we use for our website or newsletter. Contents must be shorter, appealing and platform -specific. This does not mean that we want to lose depth, but we have to get to the point faster. Attractive visuals, a clear language and simple call-to-actions are crucial in order to gain users' attention at all.
4. Interaction and community management
Social media is not a sure -fire success. Only those who actively interact with their community, answer comments, pick up feedback or add discussions can record long -term success. We therefore don't just want to publish contributions and then withdraw. A team is planned to observe the development of the channels in order to react promptly and to ensure active community management.
5. Analysis and optimization
You can't improve what you can't measure. Therefore, we value professional monitoring to assess the success of our social media activities. Which contributions are well received? Where does the interaction increase, where does it sink? Analysis data provide evidence of how we have to adapt our strategy further. We see this as a continuous process, because social media is fast -moving and trends change quickly.
The role of AI in our social media concept
We have already emphasized that artificial intelligence plays an increasingly important role in today's digital world. Ki will also have a central importance in our new social media concept. It is not just about the automated playing of advertising campaigns or chatbots, but also about the intelligent evaluation of user data and content performance.
AI can help us recognize patterns in large amounts of data. We would like to understand which content is particularly well received by which target group, which topics are trendy and how our community structures change. By using AI, we can use our resources in a targeted manner and select campaigns in a personalized manner. We can plan better what content we place at what time and on which platform.
At the same time, we are aware that we have to present transparently how AI is used in our processes. Again, we fall back on the columns of EEAT, in particular on the subject of Trustworthiness. Only if our target groups understand how we collect and use data, and only if you can be sure that we will proceed responsibly, will you continue to follow us and share your feedback with us.
PR, Marketing and AI - an interplay that demands expertise
With our new approach, we not only want to seriously tackle the social media world again, but also show that we understand AI as an opportunity to communicate even better with our target groups. At the same time, we bring in our "experience" in the application of AI in various projects-because we have already implemented AI-based solutions in the past.
"Reliability and trust" - these keywords are the red thread in our communication. Customers and partners expect us to understand the rapid technological developments and translate them into professional offers. Our goal is to bring together the best of the world of AI and the classic, personal dialogue. AI can automate repetitive tasks, give us insights into data and create forecasts. But the personal grade, the creative idea and the emotional connection to our target groups cannot be fully delegated. Here we humans remain asked.
Sustainable building of trust by EEAT in the AI age
In times of fake news, Deepfkes and AI-generated content, the building of confidence is a special challenge. How can you secure the authenticity and credibility of content when it is becoming increasingly easier to falsify information or to create deceptively real-looking fake videos?
Here we see our chance to position ourselves clearly. By consistently using EEAT, we would like to prove that our content is real, sound and trustworthy. We put on:
- Quality control: Even if we use AI to produce or optimize content, we always have human quality control. We check whether texts are correct, objectively sound and linguistically flawless.
- Author profiles: Our authors and experts are named. Transparency creates trust, especially if you can find out about the qualifications of the respective people.
- Experience reports: Whenever it makes sense, we use real experience. These can be project examples, use of our customers or internal tests and studies.
- Active dialogue: We invite our readers to ask questions, to express criticism and to participate in discussions. This is the only way we can repeat our expertise and trustworthiness.
The next steps: Social media as an integral part of the strategy
After we have defined our goals and explained the importance of Eeat for our new orientation, the implementation is now about implementation. We not only want to "seriously tackle" the social media world, but also shape sustainably. We will take the following steps:
1. Reorporation of our social media channels
We check each of our channels in terms of target group, tonality and content format. We may avoid channels that do not fit our profile and invest more in platforms with great potential.
2. Training and team expansion
We will train our team in terms of social media, AI use and Eeat. Since the market develops very dynamically, regular further training and exchange formats are planned in order to always remain up to date.
3. Contents with added value
Instead of just producing "content", we want to develop content that noticeably offer added value. This can be practical articles on digital transformation, case studies on the use of AI or best practice examples from various industries.
4. Regular success control
With clearly defined KPIs we measure the success of our social media activities. Rang, engagement rate, click numbers and qualitative parameters such as the tonality of comments or the depth of discussions are taken into account.
5. Integration into the overall strategy
Social media must not be a side project, but must be closely interlinked with other measures such as search engine optimization, newsletter marketing or PR work. In this way we create a uniform brand perception across all channels.
Review: Our classics
The following section appeared in the article ' First Digital Innovation Hub for Logistics and Photovoltaics' from October 27, 2021:
Not to forget social media and Facebook. At our peak we had a total of 17 million followers.
Most well-known examples that are inactive today but can still be achieved:
- Fussall – If there is a universe, then there is also a Fussall:
- Psycho – It was the largest German-speaking horror and Halloween social media fan page:
We later sold other football and fashion pages to third parties. Fashion for women wasn't exactly our favorite topic and football wasn't exactly our biggest passion.
We took all facets of the digital world with us and shaped them. Be it tracking like call tracking. Inbound and outbound marketing, marketing automation, global marketing and symbols. If something is missing, this is probably because we no longer get the order and variety of digital developments in the row.
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Vision: as a central point of contact for digital innovation
In the long term, we would like become a leading address for all topics related to digital transformation, AI, Industry 4.0 and further innovations. This includes not only presenting ourselves in social networks, but actively initiating discussions, promoting cooperations and venturing over the box.
In this context, our commitment in social media is not an end in itself, but an integral part of a larger vision. We want our partners, customers and readers to have the opportunity to exchange ideas in an open space, to share their experiences and benefit from our content. In this way, can become a pulsating hub where knowledge and experience gather, condense and spread.
Challenges and opportunities in realignment
Of course, it will not be easy to make a comprehensive fresh start. "We divide old braids and learn from our mistakes" - this also means that we have to critically question ourselves and have to put previous assumptions to the test. There will be moments when we separate ourselves from loved but ineffective processes or formats. We have to invest in new technologies, build skills and take the team on the coming trip.
At the same time, we are convinced that there are enormous opportunities in these challenges. By radically renewing ourselves, we create space for creativity, innovation and growth. Our path is not designed, but we have decided to go brave and determined.
Our understanding of "radical cure": courage to change
When we speak of the fact that our procedure is like a “radical cure”, we do not mean a hasty actionism or a dismissal of our previous identity. Rather, it is about putting everything to the test and questioning what suits our new self-image and the goal of a modern, interactive, AI-based communication platform. We are open to recognizing wrong decisions and we take the freedom to test new ways.
In the digital world in particular, continuous questioning is a necessity. What is still state of the art today can already be outdated tomorrow. With our new social media concept, we want to ensure that we can react flexibly to changes that we regularly catch up feedback and that we primarily wear our own enthusiasm for digital innovations to the outside world. Because only if we stay in motion ourselves can we convey to our users and partners that we are digital pioneers.
Together in a networked future
Digitization means networking. We understand our new social media concept as an invitation to everyone who wants to go into dialogue with us. We not only want to provide content, but also actively listen. Our partners and customers should be able to speak with their own voices, be it through guest contributions, interviews or joint projects.
In the long term, an ecosystem could develop around, in which knowledge is shared, synergies discovered and innovations promoted. In this sense, social media is not just another channel, but the junction for all interactions. We create a lively community through this approach that can draw from the experiences and skills of all actors.
Sustainable growth and new horizons
If we consistently pursue our taken path, will continue to establish itself as a brand and platform. Our goal is not only to record increasing number of visitors, but also to build a loyal readership and active community. At the same time, we would like to strengthen our role as a service provider and partner for companies who want to benefit from our know-how in PR, marketing and AI use.
The next few months will show which ideas prove themselves and where we have to readjust. It is crucial that we preserve the openness and courage to accept changes and to develop constantly. "Now we want to seriously tackle the social media world again and continue our development, continue and develop." This sentence sums up our ambitions. We have already proven that we are able to generate traffic, build a network and bundle industry knowledge. Now it is about transferring these strengths to the digital future and actively promoting our projects.
At the same time, we want to encourage our community to accompany ourselves in this way. The exchange with readers, customers and partners is essential for us to constantly improve us. Nothing is more convincing than communal innovation steps that are illuminated by various perspectives and tested in practice.
From social media new beginning to long -term success
The decision to tackle a comprehensive realignment at is not a spontaneous mood, but the result of detailed considerations. We have analyzed what worked in the past and where we have betrayed. Our new social media concept should be the engine that brings us back on course and fueled our vision to establish a modern, interactive platform for business development, PR and marketing.
The principles of EEAT, the importance of AI and the insight that we can only develop further when we are willing to learn from our mistakes and break up old structures. "Priorities were postponed", "own project adjustments remained" - that is now a thing of the past. We are looking forward and are determined to conquer the social media world with fresh ideas and a clear strategy.
We hope that our partners, customers and readers go this way with us and that we create a digital space together that promotes trust, innovation and exchange. After all, this is exactly the core of what is: a platform that knows how to combine people and topics and always set new impulses.
With the step into a networked and AI-supported future, we set a sign that standstill is not an option for us. "We divide old braids and learn from our mistakes" - that is our promise for the coming months and years. And we are convinced that this path not only opens up new horizons, but also finally makes existing potential fully exploited. becomes too far more than an information page or an industry magazine - it becomes a place of exchange, finding ideas and shaping the digital world.
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Your global marketing and business development partner
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I would be happy to serve you and my team as a personal advisor.
You can contact me by filling out the contact form or simply call me on +49 89 89 674 804 (Munich) . My email address is: wolfenstein ∂
I'm looking forward to our joint project.