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AI and robotics: Figure is building multi-purpose robots for BMW's automobile production and is already on the 2nd generation of humanoid robots

Robots in industry - multi-purpose robots with AI for automobile production

Robots in industry – multi-purpose robots with AI for automobile production – symbolic image: Xpert.Digital

🚗 AI and robotics are revolutionizing the auto industry: insights into the collaboration between Figure and BMW

🔧🤖 The future of automotive production: AI and robotics on the rise

The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics into industrial manufacturing is gaining momentum, and companies like Figure are at the forefront of this technological revolution. The automotive industry in particular has recognized the potential of AI-supported robots to optimize processes and increase productivity. An outstanding example of this development is the collaboration between Figure and BMW, which shows how humanoid robots could shape the future of automobile production.

🔗 The partnership between Figure and BMW

Figure, a California-based company specializing in the development of autonomous humanoid robots, announced a landmark commercial agreement with BMW in January. The aim of this cooperation is to integrate multi-purpose robots into the complex and often challenging processes of automobile production.

Figure's robots are designed to take on demanding, unsafe or tiring tasks in production. This allows human employees to focus on tasks that require high levels of creativity and problem-solving skills - skills that are difficult to automate. This shift not only allows for an increase in efficiency, but also contributes to workplace safety as dangerous or physically demanding tasks can be delegated to the robots.

The partnership with BMW envisages a milestone-based approach. First, specific use cases are identified in which Figure's robots can best be used. These pilot projects serve as the basis for the gradual integration of the robots into the production processes at the BMW plant in Spartanburg, South Carolina. This is a strategically important step as the experiences and insights from the first phase of implementation are used to optimize the further rollout of the technology.

In addition, BMW and Figure will work together to explore advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, robot control, production virtualization and robot integration. This collaboration aims to develop innovative solutions that not only increase efficiency in production, but also strengthen BMW's position as a pioneer in the automotive industry.

🤹‍♂️ The importance of multi-purpose robots

A central aspect of the collaboration between Figure and BMW is the potential of multi-purpose robots, which has so far remained largely untapped. In the past, specialized single-purpose robots dominated the market because they were optimized for specific production tasks. But as AI and robotics continue to develop, the focus is on multi-purpose robots that are able to take on a variety of different tasks and adapt flexibly to changing production requirements.

Brett Adcock, founder and CEO of Figure, emphasizes that his company's robots offer companies the opportunity to "increase productivity, reduce costs and create a safer and more consistent environment." The ability to integrate versatile robots into production could usher in a paradigm shift in industrial manufacturing, where flexibility and adaptability become key factors for success.

🤖 The introduction of Figure 02: A technological milestone

In parallel with the partnership with BMW, Figure has taken another significant step: the unveiling of Figure 02, a second-generation humanoid robot. Figure 02 represents the current peak in the development of AI-powered robots and sets new standards in the industry.

Figure's engineering and design teams have made significant technical advances in the development of Figure 02. The robot's hardware and software have been completely redesigned to ensure optimal performance. Particular attention was paid to critical technologies such as AI, computer vision, batteries, electronics, sensors and actuators. This technological foundation gives Figure 02 exceptional dexterity and versatility, making it suitable for a wide range of tasks in both commercial applications and private households.

🔧 Key features of Figure 02

Figure 02 is equipped with a number of advanced features that set it apart from other humanoid robots:

1. Voice-to-voice communication

The robot is able to have fluent conversations with people. This is made possible by built-in microphones and speakers connected to customized AI models. These models were developed in collaboration with OpenAI and ensure natural and intuitive interaction.

2. Visual Language Model (VLM)

Figure 02 has a built-in visual language model that enables quick visual inferences from the robot's cameras. This ability is crucial for navigating and interacting in complex environments.

3. Energy supply

A customized battery pack with a capacity of 2.25 KWh in the robot's torso provides over 50% more energy than previous models. This maximizes the robot's uptime and allows for longer periods of use without interruptions.

4. Integrated cabling

Well-thought-out cabling for power and computing communications ensures greater reliability and a more compact design. The hidden cable structure contributes to the robustness and longevity of the robot.

5. Camera system

Figure 02 perceives its surroundings through an advanced vision system controlled by six integrated RGB cameras. This system allows the robot to have a deep understanding of the physical world and supports it in carrying out complex tasks.

6. 4th generation hands

Figure 02's hands offer 16 degrees of freedom and are equipped with human strength. This engineering feat allows the robot to perform a variety of human tasks with high precision and power.

7. Computing power

Figure 02's CPU/GPU has three times the computing and AI interpretation capacity compared to the previous generation. This increase in performance allows the robot to handle demanding AI tasks in real time and completely autonomously.

🛠 Practical application and future perspectives

Figure 02 has already proven its capabilities in practice. At the BMW plant in Spartanburg, the robot was used for AI data collection and use case training. These tests are an important step to ensure that the technology can be used effectively and reliably in real production environments.

The partnership with BMW is just part of Figure's success story. Since its founding in 2022, the company has achieved several significant milestones, including a $675 million Series B funding round and close collaboration with OpenAI. These achievements underscore Figure's potential to establish itself as a leading player in AI-powered robotics.

Figure's long-term goal is to develop robots that not only increase productivity and efficiency, but also improve people's quality of life. Figure 02's advanced capabilities bring the company closer to this goal. It is expected that technology will continue to advance in the coming years, which could lead to even wider application of humanoid robots in various industries.

📈 Multi-purpose robots in the manufacturing process

The collaboration between Figure and BMW marks a significant step in the evolution of automobile production. Integrating multi-purpose robots into manufacturing processes not only increases efficiency, but also improves safety and flexibility in the workplace. With the introduction of Figure 02, the company is setting new standards in AI-supported robotics and showing how humanoid robots can make a valuable contribution to industrial manufacturing.

The combination of technological innovation and strategic partnerships between Figure and BMW has the potential to fundamentally change the way we think about production and automation. The future of the automotive industry – and potentially many other industries – will be shaped by rapid advances in AI and robotics, and companies like Figure are at the forefront of this exciting development.

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  • 🤝 Collaboration between Figure and BMW: A strategic step
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  • 📈 Increased efficiency through AI-supported robots
  • 💡 The future of manufacturing with Figure 02
  • 🌟 The next generation of industrial robotics

#️⃣ Hashtags: #AI #Robotics #Automotive Industry #Innovation #Future


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