Published on: January 29, 2025 / update from: January 29, 2025 - Author: Konrad Wolfenstein
Smart Meter, Smart Money: The market premium model with the PV direct marketing simply explained (for clever home owners)-Image:
Photovoltaics newly thought: How to get more out with direct marketing
From the feed -in to trade: This is how solar direct marketing works
Direct marketing of solar power is becoming increasingly important for private households with photovoltaic systems. In times when you no longer want to or can only rely on classic feed -in tariffs, there is the possibility to sell the self -produced electricity on the electricity exchange. But for whom is this model worth it, what are the requirements to be met and what costs do operators have to operate a private PV system? In the following, it is extensively explained how direct marketing works, which risks and opportunities are associated with it and why newer system owners in particular could benefit from this. In addition, important background to the energy transition and the role of the EEG (Renewable Energy Sources Act) are highlighted in order to create a holistic understanding of the topic.
Background and importance of direct marketing
The energy transition in Germany aims to constantly increase the proportion of renewable energies in the electricity mix and thus reduce the output of climate -damaging greenhouse gases in the long term. Photovoltaic systems play a central role here. They enable decentralized electricity generation in which citizens are actively part of the energy system. For a long time, the business model for private PV plant loans was relatively simple: in most cases the electricity generated was fed into the public network against a feed-in tariff guaranteed by the state. This remuneration was paid for over 20 years and was very attractive at the beginning of the EEG to accelerate the expansion of photovoltaics.
Over the years, however, the remuneration rates dropped, since PV systems became increasingly cheaper thanks to falling module prices and more efficient technologies and the legislator wanted to avoid over-promoting the market. Some plants that have been in operation for 20 years or more also run out of EEG funding and ask the operators to ask how they can continue to generate income. Direct marketing starts at this point.
"The direct marketing of excess electricity can be an alternative to the feed-in tariff for private households with PV system." This assessment means that marketing on the stock exchange can be worthwhile. It offers the possibility to react flexibly to market prices and to potentially achieve higher revenues than with fixed remuneration. However, there is also a greater risk here because the stock market price can fluctuate. Anyone who deals intensively with the topic will quickly recognize: direct marketing is not always worthwhile for everyone, but it can be a very interesting option.
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How direct marketing works
The principle is relatively simple, even if the organizational and technical background may seem complex. Households with a photovoltaic system that produce electricity can "market solar power that they do not consume" on the electricity exchange. The sticking point is that a private system operator usually has no direct access to the energy market. So he needs a specialized company, the so -called direct marketer. This takes over the part of the stock market trade and pays the operators a remuneration, minus a commission.
Many ask themselves how exactly the remuneration is calculated. A distinction is made between funded and unfortunate direct marketing:
1. Funded direct marketing (market premium model)
According to the market premium model, which applies to systems that still fall under the EEG, PV operators receive a market bonus in addition to the so -called market value. The market value is the average price that is achieved on the electricity exchange for solar power. Depending on the supply and demand, this value can fluctuate strongly during the month. "If the market market value of the sold electricity falls below the level of the fixed feed-in tariff, the network operator also pays the PV system operator a market bonus." This compensates for the difference between the monthly average price on the electricity exchange and the remuneration set specified by EEG. In fact, this means that everyone who opts for the funded direct marketing and have an EEG funding claim are secured and receive at least as much as in classic feed-in. However, if the stock market price increases significantly above the fixed value, the system operator benefits from the multiple proceeds.
2. Unz -funded or other direct marketing
If systems fall out of EEG funding, for example after the end of the 20 years, or if you do not have a funding claim (e.g. very old systems), you market your electricity on the free market. Here you only get the respective stock market price that can fluctuate strongly. There is no fixed grant, so that there is no longer any safety network mechanics like the market premium. In the best case, this market price can be very high, which increases the proceeds. At the same time, it can also be very low. Then you may have to live with lower income, especially if running costs for the system or its operation are still available.
Legal framework and EEG funding
In Germany, the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) is the legal basis for the promotion of solar power. The EEG surcharge is now no longer necessary, but the basic principle is that operators of new plants continue to receive fixed remuneration for their electricity for 20 years. This guarantee sentence has been stuck continuously in recent years. In the case of small and small facilities, the feed-in tariff is often a stable safety model- especially when the self-consumption is high and only a small part goes into the network.
With the market premium model, the legislator wants to create incentives to produce and market the solar power more needs -based. So if you still have an EEG funding claim, benefit from direct marketing by the fact that there is a certain security and at the same time creates a potential chance of higher revenues. "The income from the sale of solar power has been tax-free for smaller PV systems since 2023," which is particularly interesting for private individuals who do not want to provide a complicated tax return for their system.
Smart meters as a technical requirement
The measuring system plays a central role in direct marketing. In order to correctly record the generated electricity in real time or at short intervals, an intelligent measuring system is required. "Technical prerequisite for direct marketing is an intelligent measuring system in the house to record the PV data every 15 minutes and to automatically transfer online to the direct marketer and network operator." These intelligent electricity meters, conjunction with mostly smart meters, solve the conventional ferraris Counters increasingly.
The installation of the smart meter is usually arranged and implemented by the measuring point operator. There are certain legal requirements, the rules from which system size or from which amount of electricity consumption an intelligent measuring system is required. The following applies currently: If you run a photovoltaic system with over 7 kW performance or whoever consumes more than 6000 kWh per year, you have to have a smart meter installed. This conversion can of course mean additional costs for everyone who catches the subject of direct marketing. However, the legislator provides price upper limits, so that these additional costs are limited.
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Role of remote control
Until recently, all PV systems that are in direct marketing were an obligation to remote control. The background is that with an oversupply of renewable energies on the Internet, you should be able to intervene quickly and centrally to ensure network stability. For smaller systems with up to 25 kW performance, this obligation has been eliminated since May 2024. "With an output of over 25 kW, PV systems in direct marketing still have to be controlled." This means that larger systems still with a technical facility must be provided that allows a quick reduction or shutdown in the case of network passes.
This is a significant relief, especially for private individuals who only operate a small system, since the investment costs for the corresponding control technology are therefore omitted. Nevertheless, you should inquire in advance whether the direct marketer has special requirements and how to ensure that all technical requirements are met so that the marketing can run smoothly.
Cost aspects in direct marketing
Even if direct marketing sounds tempting because higher revenues may be achieved than with the feed -in tariff, you should look closely. Because: "Whether direct marketing brings higher income depends heavily on the fixed costs." An essential item is the commission that is to be paid to the direct marketer. In many cases, this either calculates a cent -based amount per pierced kilowatt hour (e.g. 0.1 to 0.3 cents per kWh) or a fixed flat rate. Sometimes there are also combinations: a basic fee plus a sales -dependent component.
In addition, one -time furnishing fees can be incurred, which, according to practical examples, can be around 200 euros. In addition, the operation of a smart meter is subject to a fee. If the consumption or system power is above the statutory threshold, the measuring point operator must install the smart meter free of charge, but in return, ongoing fees are incurred. "Depending on the running costs for the operation of an intelligent measuring system, either at 20 or 50 euros a year." For everyone who voluntarily switches to an intelligent measuring system, however, a price limit of a one -off limit of a one -off limit for installation, plus the current fees . Not to forget that the measuring point operator for data communication for direct marketing may request up to 10 euros a year.
So if you take the step to direct marketing, you should set up a careful cost-benefit calculation. Both the expected stock market prices for solar power as well as the amount of the commission and other costs play a role here. In addition, one should take into account your own consumption: If you use a large part of the solar power generated yourself, you have less surplus for sale - and thus the potential multiple proceeds that can be generated by direct marketing drops.
Are the additional efforts and expenses worthwhile?
“Anyone who consumes less electricity than produces their own photovoltaic system can not only fuel surpluses into the public network against payment of the statutory feed -in tariff. Alternatively, a sale of the excess solar energy on the electricity exchange can be worthwhile: direct marketing. ”As tempting as this consideration may sound, it depends heavily on the individual circumstances:
Size of the facility
With very small systems (less than 5 kW), the ratio of additional effort and yield is often worse than with medium or larger systems. Many direct marketers have minimum sizes for the systems, as the effort for them does not pay off.
Subject component
Anyone who consumes most of the electricity itself has relatively little excess. Direkt marketing tends to be worth it, the more the part the part that can be sold.
Current market level
The electricity prices on the stock exchange can fluctuate strongly. "The market value of solar, which is relevant for the direct marketing of PV-current, moves up or down every month." What is very attractive in a high price phase can be less worthwhile in a phase of low stock market prices.
Funding status
If you still have a high EEG remuneration rate, you can often achieve a good yield with a minimal administrative effort and have little reason to change. However, newer systems usually have lower feed -in tariffs, which is why the market premium model can prove to be an attractive option.
For example, the direct marketer Lumenaza advises that direct marketing is particularly worthwhile if the multiple proceeds "are at least 3 to 4 cents per kWh above the respective feed -in tariff". This assessment can be taken as a rough rule of thumb, but always applies: an exact calculation, taking into account the expected market prices, system performance and self -consumption, is crucial.
Current market situation and outlook
In recent years, the stock market prices for solar power have been very volatile. “In August 2022 it was still at 39.91 C/kWh, in August 2023 it was only 7.53 c/kWh. The average monthly values continued last year - the lowest level was 3.16 c/kWh. ”The reasons are diverse: the energy crisis, triggered by political and economic factors, drove prices in 2022 at times. In the meantime, the markets have calmed down and the range of solar power continues to increase. A reliable price forecast is difficult, but it can be observed that with increasing expansion of photovoltaics, the market value tends to fluctuate more strongly. In the case of sunny times with a high PV power supply, however, prices fall, in times of low solar power feed or high demand, you can increase significantly.
This dynamic contains opportunities if you operate direct marketing professionally and, if necessary, even to control parts of your consumption in such a way that you benefit from electricity trading. However, most private individuals are unable to constantly observe the market or to negotiate with the direct marketer. Automated solutions are required here that optimize marketing as best as possible. Some service providers already offer AI-supported models that determine the optimal time of sale, taking weather forecasts and current stock market prices into account. In individual cases, you have to take a closer look at whether this multiple revenues actually justify the additional effort in the everyday life of a small PV system.
Old systems ("Ü20 systems") and other direct marketing
PV systems that the 20-year funding phase have behind is a special challenge: they no longer receive any statutory remuneration, so that the question arises as to how to deal with the excess current. “If EEG funding ends after 20 years, old systems may continue to feed their electricity until the end of 2032. Instead of a fixed amount, their operator receives a remuneration according to the annual market value of solar (a maximum of 10 cents per kilowatt hour). ”
This regulation ensures that operators of older systems do not stand without income from one day to the other. The amount is limited, but it can be in the reasonable area for many plant sizes. However, the running costs (maintenance, any maintenance of the PV modules, insurance) must continue to be covered. The other direct marketing is also considered for these “post-EEG systems”. However, it should be borne in mind that this is fully exposed to the market risk. If there is an oversupply of solar power, the sales proceeds can be lower than if you use the somewhat more reliable regulation with the annual market value.
Economic calculations and practical tips
In any case, a detailed profitability analysis should be made when deciding on or against direct marketing. The following questions are in particular:
1. How high is the possible multiple proceeds?
The current and forecast market prices flow in here. The fixed EEG set or the potential remuneration for old systems is used for comparison.
2. What costs arise?
Commissions of the direct marketer, smart meter fees, possible unique costs for the technical implementation-all of this should be added.
3. How much electricity can be sold?
Those who have a high level of self -consumption have less excess marketing. Therefore, the possible income tends to be smaller due to direct marketing with high self -consumption.
4. What system performance is there?
Larger systems usually have better chances of covering the costs of direct marketing through higher electricity.
5. Is there a desire for flexibility or planning security?
Direct marketing can bring more flexibility and potentially higher revenues, but also fluctuating income. The classic feed -in tariff brings planning security, but at a lower level.
If you want to make a well -founded decision, you should get different offers from direct marketers. Many offer online computers in which the basic data for the system is entered (system size, expected annual yield, self-consumption, location, installation date). Based on these values, you create a forecast of how the yield in the market premium model could develop. It can make sense to use reputable providers that are established in the German energy market. "From well-known, national energy suppliers to municipal utilities to less well-known wholesalers or energy-as-a-service platforms, many companies are active in direct marketing." Diversity is increasingly increasing because this market is increasingly professional.
Important innovations and outlook
The energy market is subject to constant changes. Legal framework adapts to be made, technical innovations enable new models. With regard to the direct marketing of solar power, the following developments are interesting:
Further expansion of renewable energies
The Federal Government has formulated ambitious goals for photovoltaic expansion. The more solar power is produced, the more this presses the prices on the stock exchange at times - for example in the case of sunshine in the lunchtime. In the long term, however, it can be assumed that with increasing need for green energy (electromobility, heat pumps, etc.), the demand remains high, which could favor price increases in demand.
Technical innovations and storage solutions
With the increasing spread of battery storage in households, self -consumption can be increased proportionately. This reduces the excess of direct marketing, but makes a household more independent of external price developments. In addition, smart home systems open up the opportunity to react flexibly to price and market signals and either feed or store electricity if it is worth it.
Power Purchase Agreements (PPAS)
In the commercial sector, so -called PPAs - long -term electricity delivery contracts between electricity producers and customers - are already established. Such models could also be found on a small scale in the future, with private plant operators merging with companies in order to deliver green electricity directly. That would be a form of direct marketing away from the classic stock market mechanisms, in which one secures fixed conditions for several years.
Regulatory relief
Some hurdles for direct marketing have already been reduced in recent years. For example, the obligation to remote control for smaller systems was abolished, which reduces technical complexity. Further relief could follow to simplify market access for small plant operators.
It turns out that direct marketing is less and less a niche topic and can be a real alternative for private solar system operators. However, the big question remains: "When is direct marketing worthwhile?" Anyone who is installing a new PV system today and does not benefit from a fixed remuneration due to low feed-in tariffs can benefit from the market premium model, especially if electricity prices become more attractive over longer phases . On the other hand, if you have an older system with once high EEG tariffs, you have little reason to change as long as the guaranteed remuneration is still running.
Practical example: a intended household
In order to make the abstract construct more tangible, we accept a fictional household with a 10 kW photovoltaic system. Suppose this system generates about 10,000 kWh of electricity a year. The self -consumption is 4,000 kWh, which means that 6,000 kWh could be fed into the network. The feed -in tariff is, for example, 8 cents per kWh. This would correspond to a proceeds of 480 euros a year (6,000 kWh x 0.08 euros).
If you change to direct marketing, you have to expect to pay a commission, about 0.2 cents/kWh. In addition, running costs for the smart meter of 50 euros per year are incurred. A one -time setup fee of 200 euros can also be incurred. Let us assume that the stock market prices fluctuate and a market value of 8.5 cents/kWh is achieved on the annual average. In months with low market prices, the market bonus picks up at least 8 cents/kWh. In the best case, with high stock market prices, the difference between 8.5 cents and the value to be created can be taken with you.
If you spend something to this example: If there are phases in which the stock market price reaches 10 or 12 cents/kWh, you benefit. At the same time, there could be phases with very low prices. However, the security of not falling below the 8 cents is thanks to the market bonus (with a newer system with EEG claim). The bottom line was that the budget could achieve an average of 8.7 cents/kWh, which corresponds to 522 euros a year. The commission (6,000 kWh x 0.2 cents = 12 euros) and smart meter costs (50 euros) are deducted from this. This means that 460 euros remain, so little more than with the fixed feed -in tariff. If you add the furnishing fee in the first year, you even fall behind the classic feed -in.
Direct marketing here would only make sense if the proceeds per kilowatt hour increase noticeably. The example illustrates why a careful examination is necessary and cannot be said in general that direct marketing is increasingly profitable. However, the following also applies: the stock market prices suddenly rise permanently, the multiple proceeds can be very interesting.
Recommendations for action
The direct marketing of solar power has undoubtedly gained relevance for private households in Germany. "PV system operators who market their renewable electricity directly can be certain in the funded market premium model that they receive at least as much money as from the fixed feed-in tariff." This security significantly reduces the risk. Anyone who is also ready to bear the costs and sees the chance of higher revenue in times of good stock market prices can benefit from this form of marketing.
Nevertheless, direct marketing will not be worthwhile for everyone. Operating older systems with comparatively high EEG remuneration rates often have no advantage to change the system. For smaller systems with a minimal surplus, the effort can also be disproportionately high. In order to make the right decision, an individual profitability analysis is indispensable. The expected income from the stock market marketing, possible market premiums and personal self -consumption should be compared to the costs for measurement technology and the commission of the direct marketer.
Anyone plans to put a new PV system into operation in the next few years should also find out early about the obligation to install a smart meter at an early stage. Since this technology will gradually reach more and more households by 2025, you can keep an eye on direct marketing in terms of perspective, even if you first start with the classic feed -in tariff. Because a change between the models is generally possible at the beginning of the month.
Direct marketing offers a modern, flexible and potentially productive marketing form of solar power. Thanks to legal security mechanisms as part of the subsidized direct marketing, new system operators can benefit largely from rising electricity prices. In older systems, it can be an option if EEG funding runs out and you want to secure lucrative income for a few more years-provided that the market conditions are right. Ultimately, direct marketing is another important component in the transformation of the energy system towards more decentralization, flexibility and climate protection. It can support the expansion of renewable energies and open up new financial perspectives from photovoltaic systems.
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