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Lead strategy consulting in virtual, augmented & mixed reality

Lead strategy consulting in virtual, augmented & mixed reality

Success comes with the right strategy and advice

Supported introduction of augmented and virtual reality in companies

For many companies, the introduction of augmented and virtual reality technologies is high on the priority list. The diverse possible uses of the innovative technology are of particular interest. It is no longer just about a new form of presentation of company content, but about much more extensive types of use in production, project management, maintenance or quality assurance in companies.

Providers in this rapidly developing area must therefore not only have the necessary know-how to create interactive animations, but also provide their customers with advice when choosing a suitable strategy. Which products or processes in the company are suitable for support through virtual technologies? What has to be fulfilled for the use of digital technology to lead to efficient improvement? It is questions like these that concern those responsible in companies. Especially when new digital business processes are introduced, the need for a well-developed strategy and content-related advice increases significantly in companies. Otherwise, there is a great danger that pure activism in the company will lead to financial and time resources being invested in a project that, after a short time, turns out to be impractical or planned in a way that does not meet the needs.

Factors to be clarified before implementation

The problem begins with the identification of a concrete approach according to the motto “Where and how does virtual reality benefit us in the company?” This strategic decision means avoiding fundamental undesirable developments, because a mistake in this early phase is only difficult to make later to iron out. Once an application has finally been selected, the question arises as to which technology to use.

Microsoft Hololens

Whether augmented or virtual reality or the hybrid form in the form of mixed reality, the diverse possible uses of which are impressively presented by Microsoft's HoloLens : Each of these techniques has its advantages, although the content of the respective application can usually be implemented most effectively using one of the techniques mentioned .

For these reasons, it is advisable to have outside expertise in order to analyze and implement such a demanding project without the usual corporate perspective. For this reason, Munich-based Phaenom GmbH, the technical partner of

The individual clarification of needs and implementation options is particularly important. It is precisely the variety of possible applications of future virtual technology that requires a well-considered decision about the specific area of ​​application. Together with the customers, the experts must analyze the products, objects or processes in question and then work closely together to develop a viable solution. In addition to comprehensive expertise, this also includes the conception of experimental or marketable prototypes and processes to illustrate the simulation.

Customer-specific advice on potential business models and their prospects of success can be addressed to companies that would like to add a new focus related to digital technologies to their existing business or are planning to spin off one. Xpert.Digital supports you in analysis, development and implementation, taking into account the possibilities that entry into the augmented, virtual or mixed reality world offers.

Make VR available to many users in parallel

Thanks to the extremely realistic representation of virtual reality content, users receive spectacular insights into processes and objects in which they do not just passively witness what is happening, but actively participate in it. EMC technology represents an innovation . This enables the parallel integration of any number of users into the virtual experience, with each user continuing to design the course of action individually. Through a network connection, the event can be transmitted to other playback devices, such as external monitors, tablets or desktop computers and notebooks, regardless of location. It is controlled intuitively as a second screen solution by an employee on site using a tablet without the user having to intervene.

This is an extremely promising approach for companies, because the digital transformation of our society is leading to more and more Internet-driven business processes that are creating new business areas through the use of future-oriented software solutions. A well-founded consulting service based on years of experience creates the conditions for successfully establishing yourself in this market.


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