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Humanoid Robotics: NVIDIA Accelerates the Development of Humanoid Robots with Extended Reality, AI and Omniverse (Metaverse)

Humanoid Robotics: NVIDIA Accelerates the Development of Humanoid Robots with Extended Reality, AI and Omniverse (Metaverse)

Humanoid Robotics: NVIDIA is accelerating the development of humanoid robots with Extended Reality, AI and Omniverse (Metaverse) – Image: Xpert.Digital

🤖⚙️ NVIDIA and the Future of Humanoid Robotics: A Look at Developments in Augmented Reality and AI

🕶️🌐 The technological advances in extended reality (XR) and artificial intelligence (AI) are impressive and far-reaching. An outstanding example of this development is the work of NVIDIA, a company that is best known for its graphics cards but has now also established itself as a pioneer in the field of robotics. NVIDIA uses XR, AI and the Omniverse (Metaverse) to accelerate the development of humanoid robots and set new standards.

🍏✨ The influence of the Apple Vision Pro on XR developments

While the release of the Apple Vision Pro has raised suspicions that it may not be a commercial success, it has undoubtedly accelerated the development of XR (Extended Reality) applications. XR, Augmented Reality (AR) or Mixed Reality (MR) has been a hot topic for years, but the expected breakthrough has so far been a long time coming. Still, that doesn't mean that XR has failed as a concept. On the contrary, there are numerous promising use cases and development concepts that show us the future of XR technology.

🤖🕶️ NVIDIA and controlling robots using XR

Nvidia controls robots with Apple Vision Pro – Image: NVIDIA

A fascinating recent example is a video released by NVIDIA demonstrating how to control a robot using the Apple Vision Pro. In this scenario, a human is in a kitchen and controls a robot by adopting the robot's perspective through the Vision Pro glasses. The hand movements detected by the glasses are transmitted to the robot, allowing humans to control the robot remotely. This enables applications such as the preparation of toast with honey, controlled by humans.

This technology has far-reaching implications, especially in areas where it can be dangerous for people, such as collapsing buildings or other dangerous environments. It's easy to imagine how this technology could be used in rescue missions or to defuse bombs.

🌟 More on this in the last section below

Developers gain access to new NVIDIA NIM microservices for robotic simulations in Isaac Lab and Isaac Sim, the OSMO Robot Cloud Compute Orchestration Service, Teleoperated Data Capture Workflow, and more.

📊🛠️ Advances in data acquisition and simulation for humanoid robots

One of the biggest challenges in developing humanoid robots is the enormous amount of data required to train the base models. To facilitate and accelerate this, NVIDIA has developed workflows that allow large amounts of data to be generated from a small number of teleoperated demonstrations. This data is then used in simulation environments such as NVIDIA Isaac Sim to create synthetic datasets and further train the models.

This innovative approach is also evident in the use of the MimicGen NIM microservice, which generates synthetic motion and perception data. This not only saves time but also significant costs as less real demonstration data is required.

🧠⚙️ The role of AI in robotics

“The next wave of AI is robotics, and one of the most exciting developments is humanoid robots,” said Jensen Huang, founder and CEO of NVIDIA. This vision drives NVIDIA to continually evolve its platforms and technologies and make humanoids accessible worldwide. By providing AI models, simulation tools and computing resources, NVIDIA is helping accelerate the development of humanoid robots.

🧩🤝 Collaboration and development opportunities

NVIDIA has launched a Humanoid Robot Developer Program to give developers early access to new tools and platforms. Companies like Boston Dynamics and Fourier are among the first to benefit from this program. The goal is to use the latest technologies together with partners and advance the robotics industry as a whole. These collaborations make it possible to shorten development cycles and make the robots ready for the market more quickly.

🚀🌟 The future of humanoid robotics

The advances in robotics and artificial intelligence are impressive and open up new possibilities for the use of humanoid robots. NVIDIA plays a central role in this development by developing powerful tools and platforms that enable humanoid robots to be trained and deployed more efficiently. The combination of AR, AI and complex simulation tools will revolutionize the development and control of these robots.

It will be interesting to see how these technologies will progress in the future and in which new areas humanoid robots will be used. Potential applications range from industrial automation to medical assistance to rescue missions and beyond. NVIDIA is paving the way, showing through its innovations that integrating AR and AI into robotics is not only possible, but extremely promising. Developments in this area could soon have lasting changes in our daily lives.

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#️⃣ Hashtags: #NVIDIA #humanoidrobotics #artificialintelligence #augmentedreality #roboticsdevelopment


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🤖🌍 NVIDIA is accelerating the development of humanoid robots for a global future

🚀🧠 Humanoid Robots: NVIDIA presents new technologies and platforms for the next wave of AI

To accelerate the development of humanoid robots worldwide, NVIDIA provides robot manufacturers, AI model developers and software manufacturers with a range of services, models and computing platforms to design, train and build the next generation of humanoid robots.

Offerings include new NVIDIA NIM™ microservices and frameworks for robot simulation and learning, the NVIDIA Orchestration Service for running multi-stage robotic workloads, and an AI and simulation-assisted teleoperation workflow that enables developers to build robots with small amounts of human demonstration data to train.

“The next wave of AI is robotics, and one of the most exciting developments is humanoid robots,” said Jensen Huang, founder and CEO of NVIDIA. “We are advancing the entire NVIDIA robotics stack, opening access for humanoid developers and companies worldwide to leverage the platforms, accelerator libraries and AI models best suited to their needs.”

🚀 Accelerated development with NVIDIA NIM and OSMO

NIM Microservices provide prebuilt containers powered by NVIDIA inference software, enabling developers to reduce deployment times from weeks to minutes. Two new AI microservices enable roboticists to enhance simulation workflows for generative physical AI in NVIDIA Isaac Sim™, a robotic simulation reference application built on the NVIDIA Omniverse™ platform.

The MimicGen NIM Microservice generates synthetic motion data based on recorded teleoperated data from spatial computing devices such as Apple Vision Pro. The Robocasa NIM Microservice generates robotic tasks and simulation-ready environments in OpenUSD, a universal framework for development and collaboration in 3D worlds.

NVIDIA OSMO, now available, is a cloud-native managed service that enables users to orchestrate and scale complex robot development workflows across distributed computing resources, whether on-premises or in the cloud.

OSMO dramatically simplifies robot training and simulation workflows, shortening deployment and development cycles from months to less than a week. Users can visualize and manage a variety of tasks - such as generating synthetic data, training models, performing reinforcement learning, and implementing large-scale software-in-the-loop testing for humanoids, autonomous mobile robots, and industrial Manipulators.

🤖 Advances in data ingestion workflows for humanoid robot developers

Training basic models for humanoid robots requires an enormous amount of data. One way to collect human demonstration data is to use teleoperation, but this is becoming increasingly expensive and time-consuming.

A teleoperation reference workflow powered by NVIDIA AI and Omniverse, demonstrated at the SIGGRAPH computer graphics conference, enables researchers and AI developers to generate massive amounts of synthetic motion and perception data from a minimal number of remote capture demonstrations.

First, developers are using Apple Vision Pro to record a small number of teleoperated demonstrations. They then simulate the recordings in NVIDIA Isaac Sim and use the MimicGen NIM microservice to generate synthetic datasets from the recordings.

Developers train the Project GR00T humanoid base model using real and synthetic data, saving developers time and costs. They then use the Robocasa NIM microservice in Isaac Lab, a robot learning framework, to generate experiences to retrain the robot model. Throughout the workflow, NVIDIA OSMO seamlessly assigns computing tasks to various resources, saving developers weeks of administrative tasks.

Fourier, a general-purpose robotics platform company, sees the benefit of using simulation technology to synthetically generate training data.

“Developing humanoid robots is extremely complex – it requires an incredible amount of real data that is painstakingly collected in the real world,” said Alex Gu, CEO of Fourier. “NVIDIA’s new simulation and generative AI developer tools will help accelerate and simplify our model development workflows.”

🌐 Expanding access to NVIDIA technologies for humanoid developers

NVIDIA provides three computing platforms to facilitate the development of humanoid robotics: NVIDIA AI supercomputer to train the models; NVIDIA Isaac Sim, based on Omniverse, where robots can learn and hone their skills in simulated worlds; and NVIDIA Jetson™ Thor humanoid robot computer to run the models. Developers can access and use all – or just parts – of the platforms for their specific needs.

Through a new NVIDIA Humanoid Robot Developer Program, developers can gain early access to the new offerings as well as the latest versions of NVIDIA Isaac Sim, NVIDIA Isaac Lab, Jetson Thor and Project GR00T general-purpose humanoid base models.

1x, Boston Dynamics, ByteDance Research, Field AI, Figure, Fourier, Galbot, LimX Dynamics, Mentee, Neura Robotics, RobotEra and Skild AI are among the first to join the early access program.

“Boston Dynamics and NVIDIA have a long history of working closely together to push the boundaries of what is possible in robotics,” said Aaron Saunders, Chief Technology Officer of Boston Dynamics. “We are excited to see the fruits of this work advance the industry as a whole, and the Early Access program is a fantastic way to access world-class technology.”

📅 Availability

Developers can now join the NVIDIA Humanoid Robot Developer Program to access NVIDIA OSMO and Isaac Lab, and will soon gain access to NVIDIA NIM Microservices.

Learn more about the latest developments in generative AI and accelerated computing by watching Huang's fireside chats at SIGGRAPH, the leading computer graphics conference, running through August 1 in Denver.

Developers can continue to learn about advances in generative AI and accelerated computing by attending SIGGRAPH's latest sessions and presentations. This conference offers them the opportunity to learn directly from the industry's leaders, including NVIDIA, and stay up to date on the latest innovations and technologies.

🤝 Participation in the NVIDIA Humanoid Robot Developer Program

For developers interested in the ongoing development and optimization of humanoid robots, the NVIDIA Humanoid Robot Developer Program offers unique benefits. With early access to the latest tools and platforms, they can significantly reduce their development time and bring their projects to market faster. The program is designed to foster close collaboration between NVIDIA and developers to ensure the solutions developed meet the highest standards and leverage the latest technological advances.

🔧 NVIDIA access to these cutting-edge technologies

NVIDIA continues to expand and accelerate the development of humanoid robots by introducing advanced tools and platforms. With the new NIM microservices, OSMO orchestration service, and innovative data ingestion workflows, developers have the resources they need to further push the boundaries of robotics. By providing access to these cutting-edge technologies, NVIDIA will enable developers worldwide to create more robust and intelligent humanoid robots that can be used in a variety of applications. NVIDIA's commitment to this industry is clearly demonstrated through its continued investments and partnerships with leading industry players.

Developers who want to be at the forefront of this technological revolution are invited to join the NVIDIA Humanoid Robot Developer Program to take advantage of the latest tools and become part of a community of pioneers in the field of humanoid robotics. By benefiting from NVIDIA's resources and support, they can increase their innovation and advance the evolution of robotics.

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  • 🍎 Apple Vision Pro and MimicGen for synthetic motion data
  • 📅 Participation in SIGGRAPH: NVIDIA presents the latest innovations

#️⃣ Hashtags: #Robotics #AI #HumanoidRobots #NVIDIANIM #SIGGRAPH2024



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