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Google has currently started rolling out the November 2024 Core Update

Published on: November 12, 2024 / Update from: November 12, 2024 - Author: Konrad Wolfenstein

Google has currently started rolling out the November 2024 Core Update

Google has currently started rolling out the November 2024 Core Update – Image: Xpert.Digital

User-friendliness in sight: The effects of the Google Core Update

Quality in focus: Google Core Update November 2024

Google has currently started rolling out its core update in November 2024. This update is the third of its kind this year and is expected to take approximately two weeks to be fully implemented. As with the previous core updates, this one also aims to improve the quality of search results for users. The focus is on content that is viewed as useful and helpful and offers users real added value. In contrast, content that was created primarily for good search engine rankings is said to lose visibility. The affected websites and content extend across all languages ​​and regions, because the update is a global algorithm adjustment that can influence all search results. Google makes it clear that core updates do not represent penalties for specific pages, but rather a general reassessment and adjustment of the content.

Websites that experience losses as a result of the update should review their content and, if necessary, revise it in order to offer users real added value and to assert themselves in the search engines in the long term. In the coming days and weeks, the effects of the update will gradually become more visible. Websites may notice changes in traffic, whether it be a decrease or an increase. Google recommends focusing on user-focused, helpful content and following quality content guidelines.

What content does the update prefer?

The update brings with it a clear orientation: content that is viewed as helpful and useful should be displayed more prominently. The main points can be summarized as follows:

1. Quality content

Google places great value on well-researched, precise and informative content. Information should not only be comprehensive and correct, but also specifically address the questions and needs of users. Well-structured, high-quality content provides clear answers and relevant details. It's not just about length, but also about depth and the ability to present a topic holistically.

2. User-centered content

Pages that are created specifically for the needs of users now have significant advantages. Content based on real human interests and not just SEO optimizations or keyword stuffing receives a higher rating from Google. The aim is to really help the reader. The orientation away from “search engine-focused writing” towards “user focus” brings forward particularly authentic content.

3. Specific and detailed content

Niche content that covers a topic in depth and in-depth is preferred over general and superficial representations. This means that websites that specialize in specific topics and provide comprehensive analysis and explanation now have a better chance of achieving higher rankings. The deeper examination of a topic shows Google that the content meets user needs and deserves trust.

4. Authenticity and originality

Google values ​​authentic and original content that is not written just to improve rankings. Content that stands out due to automation or generic, repetitive wording loses visibility. The focus is on originality and real added value for readers, which means that high-quality, self-written texts have the best chance of good rankings.

The November 2024 Core Update aims to make search results more relevant and user-oriented. This is in line with Google's long-term commitment to continually improve the quality of information available to users.

The update and its impact on Google Discover

An important aspect of the November 2024 Core Update is its reach, which is not only limited to the classic search results, but also to Google Discover and the so-called “feature snippets”. Google Discover, which is particularly popular on mobile devices thanks to its personalized recommendations, will now also be affected by the changes in the core update. Google's ranking algorithms are adjusted so that helpful and useful content is more likely to appear in Google Discover, while low-quality or less relevant content may become less visible.

This change will further increase the focus on high-quality content. Publishers and website owners who want to appear regularly in Google Discover should also ensure that their content meets the new quality standards.

Practical recommendations for website operators after the November 2024 core update

With the changes in the Google algorithm, many website operators are faced with the question of how they can optimally adapt to the new requirements. Below are some key approaches that website operators can incorporate into their content strategies:

1. Reviewing content quality and depth

A thorough review of existing content can help identify and improve weaknesses. Content that is outdated or does not provide clear value to users should either be updated or removed. The aim is to achieve a depth and quality of content that actually helps the user.

2. Avoiding SEO over-optimized content

Content that is primarily aimed at performing well in search engines without providing real value to the user could lose visibility. It is advisable to avoid excessive keyword usage and artificially forced SEO techniques and focus on the readability and usefulness of the content.

3. In-depth analysis of user needs

Successful content marketing in the context of the new update requires an understanding of the needs and questions of the target group. Keyword analysis and user research tools can be helpful here. Answering questions specifically and providing solutions that are truly relevant to the target group increase the chances of a positive rating from Google.

4. Originality and authenticity as criteria for success

Authentic and creative content that deals with a topic in an original way is very popular. This is not just about reformulating existing content, but also about introducing innovative and original ideas that create clear added value for readers. Authenticity and a clear positioning as an expert or reliable source of information are crucial factors.

5. Regular updating and maintenance of content

Google is increasingly placing importance on timeliness and relevance. Regular revisions and updates of the content are therefore recommended. Older content can be supplemented with new information or refreshed with current statistics and facts. This not only keeps the content interesting for users, but also shows Google that the site is maintained and always offers relevant information.

The importance of the November 2024 Core Update for the future

The November 2024 Core Update underlines Google's commitment to making its search results more responsive to users' needs. Websites that want to be successful in the long term should therefore not rely solely on technical SEO measures, but should focus primarily on the quality and usefulness of their content. The update acts as a kind of “reminder” for website operators to put users at the center of their content strategy and not to focus content exclusively on search engines.

The update will continue to help content that stands out for its quality, depth and authenticity receive greater visibility and therefore greater reach. In the long term, this will have a positive impact on the online landscape as users receive more trustworthy and useful information. Websites that adapt to this development and take the needs of their target groups seriously will benefit from better rankings and stronger user loyalty.

Going forward, it is expected that Google will continue to strive to adapt and refine its algorithms to continually improve the user experience.

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