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Bleak prospects for German advertisers

According to a current forecast by the Dentsu Aegis Network (DAN), the German advertising market will stagnate. The analysts' last report from June assumed 2.6 percent growth for 2019 and 2020 - now it is only 0.5 percent. In fact, only advertising spending in digital media will actually grow in the next two years. A small plus also goes to the radio stations. In contrast, newspapers and magazines are facing a significant decline in advertising revenue. While the German market is in crisis, advertising expenditure is growing globally, sometimes even strongly, as the graphic shows.

Accord to a recent forecast by the dentsu aegis network (Dan), The German Advertising Market Will Stagnate. The analysts' Last Report in June Had Assumed Growth of 2.6 Percent for 2019 and 2020 - Now it is only 0.5 Percent. In fact, however, in the next Two Years Only Advertising Expendite in Digital Media Will Actually Grow. In addition, a small plus is landing in the radio stations. On the other hand, newspapers and magazines are facing a Sharp Decline in Advertising Revenues. While the German Market is in Crisis, Advertising Expendite is Growing, Globally Speaking, and in some cases Even Strongly, as the chart shows.

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