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Power-to-X energy storage

Power-to-X, a key technology for flexible storage solutions

Flexible energy storage Power-to-X – Image: Xpert.Digital

What is Power to X?

Power-to-X, a key technology for flexible storage solutions. Power-to-X refers to all technologies that convert renewable energies or surplus electricity into corresponding electricity storage systems. The designations P2X or P2Y (PtX/PtY) are also common. P denotes the temporary surpluses above demand and the X or Y denotes the form of energy or the purpose into which the electrical energy is converted.

In order to convert the entire energy supply system to 100 percent renewable energies as part of the decarbonization necessary for climate protection reasons, Power-to-X technologies are required due to the fluctuation of certain renewable energies and to supply the heat and mobility sector. The reason for this is that as the share of renewable energies continues to increase, there will be hours in the future when feed-in exceeds demand, while when wind and solar power production is weak, energy storage systems will have to step in to cover demand.

The aim of decarbonization or decarbonization is to convert the economy to the continuous reduction of carbon. It occurs naturally both in pure form in diamond, graphite or chaoite and chemically bound in the form of carbides, carbonates, carbon dioxide, petroleum, natural gas and coal. The long-term ecological goal is to create a carbon-free energy-using economy (economy).

Division of Power-to-X technologies according to the form of energy

Classification of Power-to-X technologies according to intended use


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Number of Power-to-X systems in Germany

Number of Power-to-X systems in Germany – Image: Xpert.Digital

operation in Germany in 2020 (as of November 2020). In 2019 in particular, some facilities went into operation. The term power-to-X describes the conversion of electricity from renewable energies, for example into hydrogen (“water electrolysis”) and, if necessary, further into methane (“methanization”). The resulting gas can then be fed into the natural gas network and stored there.

Global primary energy consumption by energy source

Global primary energy consumption by energy source – Image: Xpert.Digital

Number of Power-to-X systems by system type in Germany

Number of Power-to-X systems by system type in Germany – Image: Xpert.Digital

projects were counted in Germany in 2020 (as of November 2020). 23 plants of them were planned. Some projects have already been stopped, e.g. a hydrogen filling station in Hamburg. The term power-to-X describes the conversion of electricity from renewable energies, for example into hydrogen (“water electrolysis”) and, if necessary, further into methane (“methanization”). The resulting gas can then be fed into the natural gas network and stored there (“power-to-gas”).

Number of Power-to-X systems by end product in Germany

Number of Power-to-X systems by end product in Germany – Image: Xpert.Digital

In 2020, a total of 16 power-to-X systems were in operation in Germany, the end product of which was hydrogen (as of November 2020). The term power-to-X describes the conversion of electricity from renewable energies, for example into hydrogen (“water electrolysis”) and, if necessary, further into methane (“methanization”). The resulting gas can then be fed into the natural gas network and stored there (“power-to-gas”).

Power to X

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German version – To see the PDF, please click on the image below.
German Version – To view the PDF, please click on the image below.

Power-to-X – PDF Download

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