Galeria Karstadt Kaufhof closes 62 of 172 branches. According to the company's overall works council, 5,317 employees lose their job. a report by the manager magazine, 47 cities are affected by the closings. "In Berlin alone, six of the eleven existing department stores are to be closed, in Hamburg four, three in Munich, in Dortmund, Düsseldorf, Essen and Nuremberg." Both Galeria and Karstadt look back on over a hundred years of history. For a long time, they and other department stores were considered than the glittering temples of capitalism. But in recent decades, the attractiveness of the business concept has decreased significantly, as the view of the consumption and media analyzes (VUMA) of the past 20 years shows. In the Vuma 2000, 38.3 percent of those surveyed still stated that they had bought from Karstadt in the past six months, it is only 24.2 percent 20 years later. At that time only 12.9 percent said that they never go to the department store, today it is 38.2 percent.
Galeria Karstadt Kaufhof is Closing 62 of Its 172 Stores. According to the Company's General Works Council, 5,317 Employees Will Lose Their Jobs as a Result. According to a Report in Manager Magazin , 47 Cities Are Affected by the Closures. "In Berlin Alone, Six of the Eleven Existing Department Stores Are To Be Closed, Four in Hamburg, Three in Munich, Two in Dortmund, Düsseldorf, Essen and Nuremberg." Both Galeria and Karstadt Can Look Back on a History of Over A Hundred Years. For a long time they and other departure stores were considered the glittering temples of capitalism. But in Recent Decades the Attractive Catness of the Business Concept Has Declined Significantly, as a look at the consumption and media analyses (VUMA) of the last 20 years shows. While 38.3 Percent of Those Surveyed in the vuma 2000 Stated that they had shopped at karstadt in the last six months, 20 years later the figure is only 24.2 percent. Where -that only 12.9 percent said that that they never to the department store, Today the figure is 38.2 percent.