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Bikesafe: Automatic bicycle parking garage - Biktower in Hanover Wunstorf - As part of the Transport Development Plan (VEP) 2035

Automatic bicycle parking garage as a solution for efficient bicycle parking systems

Automatic bicycle parking garage as a solution for efficient bicycle parking systems – Image: WÖHR Autoparksysteme GmbH

🚲 Family business revolutionizes bicycle parking: A groundbreaking example of sustainable mobility

🤖 Automatic bicycle parking garage: Smart City and the expansion of the bicycle infrastructure as the key to success in the mobility transition

💪 A milestone for bicycle-friendly transport solutions has been reached in Hanover-Wunstorf. The medium-sized family business WÖHR Autoparksysteme GmbH has developed a new bicycle parking garage that is considered a pioneer of the transport transition. Since the beginning of November 2023, residents and commuters have been able to benefit from 244 safe, weather-protected and free bicycle parking spaces.

🏞 The impressive bike tower is located directly on the north side of the Wunstorfer train station, making it the second busiest train station in the area after Hanover Central Station. After a year and a half of intensive construction and several months of test operation, the facility was officially opened on November 2nd. Mayor Carsten Piellusch and Ulf-Birger Franz, head of the Hanover region's transport department, held the inauguration ceremony together.

🌳 The construction of the bicycle parking garage represents a significant step within the Hanover region's 2035 Transport Development Plan (VEP). The aim of this plan is to achieve climate-neutral mobility by 2035. The smart bicycle parking garage is a central component of this future-oriented mobility concept.

🔑 With the new system, the bicycle parking garage not only offers secure storage options for bikes, but also a variety of technical features that increase user comfort. The automated parking garage allows bicycles to be stored quickly and easily. Thanks to the latest technology and innovative security measures, the bikes are protected against theft and vandalism at all times. The bicycle parking spaces are also protected from the weather so that the bikes stay dry and no rust occurs.

⚖ Another advantage of the bicycle parking garage is its ecological importance. Promoting bicycle traffic makes a significant contribution to reducing CO2 emissions and relieving traffic congestion. The new bicycle parking garage in Hanover-Wunstorf creates a convincing offer that represents an alternative to car traffic. Commuters now have a convenient option to park their bike safely and securely and then use public transport.

🤝 The successful implementation of this project underlines the importance of medium-sized family businesses in promoting sustainable mobility. WÖHR Autoparksysteme GmbH has not only created a solution to the problem of bicycle parking, but has also made a real contribution to the transport transition. The company sees itself as a beacon that encourages other cities and municipalities to build similar infrastructure for bicycle-friendly transport concepts.

👨‍💻 However, it is important to emphasize that promoting cycling does not only depend on companies and authorities. Everyone can contribute to this by using bicycles more as a means of transport. Given rising gasoline prices, the environmental impact of car traffic and the general desire for a healthier lifestyle, cycling is an attractive alternative.

🚲 The bicycle parking garage in Hanover-Wunstorf is a successful example of what sustainable mobility solutions can look like. It shows that it is possible to rethink traffic habits and that there are already concrete measures to advance the transport transition. The support of medium-sized companies, such as WÖHR Autoparksysteme GmbH, is of great importance. Only through cooperation between politics, business and citizens can we shape the future of mobility sustainably.

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#️⃣ Hashtags: #bicycle parking garage #mobility transition #traffic transition #sustainability #bicycle infrastructure


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🚲🅿️ The Wunstorfer Bikesafe represents an innovative solution for the bike parking situation in cities

🥳 The Wunstorfer Bikesafe represents an innovative solution for the bike parking situation in cities by revolutionizing urban space with the technology from WÖHR Autoparksysteme GmbH. The challenge of creating sufficiently safe parking spaces for bicycles and e-bikes is impressively overcome by using two “WÖHR Bikesafe 885” systems. These bicycle parking towers each offer space for a total of 244 bikes on eight levels and at a height of twelve meters and therefore represent an extremely space-saving solution on a footprint of just 36 square meters per tower.

🤘 The towers are operated effortlessly and intuitively via an app, which gives users access to the secured parking spaces at any time of the day or night. This flexibility supports the change towards more environmentally friendly and active mobility. The Bikesafe is designed to accommodate a variety of bikes, including those with accessories such as child seats or saddlebags. Bicycles with a handlebar width of up to 76 centimeters can be stored within a few seconds.

😎 The systems are not only user-friendly, but also include lockers and charging options for e-bike batteries. These additional features make the system stand out from traditional bicycle parking solutions and help increase the attractiveness of cycling as a means of transport.

👩‍💻 WÖHR Autoparksysteme GmbH, a 120-year-old family business from Swabia, which established itself as one of the world's leading manufacturers of parking systems with the introduction of the "Parklift" series in the 1970s, has designed the Bikesafe. With its innovative approach, the company responds to the increasing mobility needs in urban areas. The WÖHR Bikesafe 885 was presented to the public for the first time in 2015 and has since proven its functionality and reliability several times - for example on the BOSCH company premises in Reutlingen and Kusterdingen from 2020.

🎨 These bicycle parking towers go even further in their innovation: not only do they fit into sustainable urban planning thanks to their efficiency and safety, but their design is also an example of modern design. The combined use of steel, glass and other high-quality materials makes the Bikesafe towers an urban highlight.

🗺 Furthermore, the implementation of Bikesafe is also in line with global trends that favor a move away from fossil-dependent modes of transport towards cleaner, greener alternatives. With increasing concerns about the effects of climate change and the need to improve air quality in metropolitan areas, the mobility transition is becoming increasingly important. The establishment of Bikesafe is a sign that local administrations are taking this issue seriously and are willing to invest in sustainable solutions.

⚡ The Wunstorfer Bikesafe is more than just a bicycle parking facility. It is a symbol of the transformation of urban mobility concepts, a testament to innovative German engineering and an important step towards a greener, more efficient and more inclusive urban infrastructure. He shows how practical applications of smart city concepts can simplify daily life and improve the way people move within their cities. With the success of Bikesafe, this model could be a model for other cities around the world to use urban space more effectively while improving the quality of life for everyone.

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#️⃣ Hashtags: #WunstorferBikesafe #InnovativeMobility #UrbanEngineering #SustainableInfrastructure #SmartCitySolutions


☀️🏢🏙️ Smart City & Intelligent Cities, Hubs & Columbarium – Urbanization Solutions – City Logistics Consulting and Planning

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Smart City & Intelligent Cities: This area focuses on integrating technology and data analytics into urban infrastructures to make cities smarter, more efficient and more sustainable. Various aspects such as energy efficiency, traffic, environmental protection, public safety, building management and citizen participation are taken into account.

More about it here:


🚴‍♀🚲 The future of the bicycle: How Germany is advancing the mobility transition

🐧 In Germany, using bicycles is an essential part of many people's everyday lives. In a country where around 600,000 bicycles are stolen every year, the WÖHR Bike Tower represents an innovative solution. This bicycle parking garage not only offers protection against theft, vandalism and weather influences, but also contributes to the visual improvement of the surrounding area - for example at the Wunstorfer train station. The compact design integrates harmoniously into the existing architecture and supports users with easy, free parking for their bicycles and e-bikes. Considering that the average cost of an e-bike is around 2,800 euros, the bike tower is a significant measure to improve local safety and a strong incentive to switch from cars to bikes.

🏁 The federal government has ambitious goals for the mobility transition and sees the promotion of bicycle traffic as an essential pillar. By 2030, the average distance traveled by bike is expected to almost double - from 3.7 to 6 kilometers per trip. The frequency of bicycle use is also expected to increase, with the aim of 180 bicycle trips per person per year, compared to 120 trips in 2017. This reflects an increased commitment to promote the use of bicycles as a daily means of transport and thus making a contribution to climate protection.

🚴 Current bicycle use in Germany is already high, with 80 percent of the population cycling regularly and cycling being essential for 55 percent. Comprehensive measures are required to make cycling even more attractive and to achieve the goals of the mobility transition. This includes the complete expansion of the cycling network and the provision of enough public charging stations for e-bikes. Equally important are safe and weather-protected bicycle parking spaces at strategic points in the transport network, which make it easier to integrate bicycles into daily commuting.

💶 Investing in such infrastructure is not only an investment in mobility, but also in the quality of life of citizens. It promotes health, reduces traffic noise and air pollution and contributes to a more livable environment. The expansion of the bicycle infrastructure is therefore a crucial step towards a sustainable and environmentally friendly future.

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#️⃣ Hashtags: #bicycle parking garage #mobility transition #cycling network #ebike charging stations #sustainablemobility


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🌍 Hannover Region: VEP 2035+ transport development plan 'Transport Transition Action Program' 🚗

🔍 The importance of the VEP 2035+ and the “Traffic Transition Action Program” 🚦

The transport sector is a significant contributor to CO2 emissions and environmental impacts in any region. To address the pressing challenges of climate change and improve air quality, it is essential to make the transport sector greener and more sustainable. The transport development plan VEP 2035+ and the associated “transport transition action program” are therefore of great importance for the Hanover region.

The ambitious goal of becoming climate neutral by 2035 reflects the Hanover region's commitment to a sustainable future. The switch to climate-neutral means of transport is a crucial step on this path. However, it is important to recognize that this transition will take time and effort, especially given that many internal combustion engine vehicles will continue to be on the road for a significant period of time.

🌿 One of the most important components of the “Transport Transition Action Program” is the reduction of CO2 emissions in the transport sector by 70 percent. This is an ambitious intermediate goal that requires a comprehensive strategy to achieve it. The strategy relies on a combination of incentives and regulatory measures to make transport conditions in the region more sustainable.

However, it is crucial that the transport transition not only pursues environmental goals, but also improves the quality of life of people in the region. This includes better mobility, shorter distances, safe streets and pleasant living spaces. The idea is to make the Hanover region a place where people enjoy living and working without having to forego their mobility needs.

🚴‍♀️ One of the key strategies for achieving these goals is the redesign of street space. The aim is to take up less space for car traffic and instead create space for bicycle traffic and local public transport. Doubling the number of kilometers traveled by bicycle and halving car traffic are important steps in this direction. At the same time, alternative mobility options are being promoted to reduce the need for private vehicles.

The implementation of such a transport transition requires the cooperation of various actors, including the Hanover region, municipalities, the state, clubs, business and science. This is the purpose of the Hanover mobile network, which serves as a platform for the coordination and implementation of transport transition measures.

🛤️ The path to realization 🌟

The VEP 2035+ was approved by the regional assembly in July 2023 with a large majority, which represents an important step on the way to achieving a sustainable and climate-neutral Hanover region. This plan will form the basis for future actions in the transport sector and put the region on the path to climate neutrality.

It is important to emphasize that switching to sustainable transport brings not only environmental benefits, but also economic and social benefits. Reducing dependence on fossil fuels contributes to energy security while creating jobs in the areas of renewable energy and electromobility. In addition, an improved quality of life means that the Hanover region becomes more attractive and attracts more people, which in turn has positive economic effects.

🚀 Transport Transition Action Program 🌱

The transport development plan VEP 2035+ and the “Transport Transition Action Program” are crucial instruments on the way to achieving a climate-neutral and livable Hanover region. These initiatives set ambitious goals for reducing carbon emissions and improving mobility and quality of life. Successful implementation requires the cooperation of all relevant actors in order to make the Hanover region a pioneer in sustainability and transport transition. The resolution of the VEP 2035+ is an important step on this path and shows the region's commitment to a sustainable future.

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#️⃣ Hashtags: #Traffic transition #Hannover #Climate neutrality #Mobility #Sustainability


The Xpert.Solar solar carport planner

Solar parking spaces are a promising way to generate renewable energy while optimizing limited space requirements in cities and urban areas. However, there are actually some challenges that can complicate the introduction of such parking spaces.

One of the biggest hurdles is the high cost and planning effort associated with installing solar panels in parking lots. Not only must the cost of the solar panels themselves be taken into account, but also the cost of the infrastructure required to connect the panels to the grid. In addition, the space required for installing the solar modules must be precisely planned and coordinated to ensure effective use of the available space.

Another obstacle are bureaucratic hurdles and approval processes that can make it difficult to install solar panels in parking lots. Depending on the region or country, different rules and regulations may apply, which can complicate the approval and implementation process.

Despite these challenges, there is high demand for solar parking spaces as they represent an effective way to promote renewable energy while optimizing space requirements in urban areas. With careful planning and collaboration between the parties involved, the hurdles can be overcome to facilitate the introduction of such parking spaces.

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