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AR glasses technology: Are the “Orion” AR glasses Meta’s new or parallel focus on AR technology in the context of the Metaverse?

Published on: October 20, 2024 / Update from: October 20, 2024 - Author: Konrad Wolfenstein

Does the focus on AR glasses technology bring us one step closer to the Metaverse?

Does the focus on AR glasses technology bring us one step closer to the Metaverse? – Image: Xpert.Digital

New vision after the Metaverse hype: Meta and the groundbreaking AR technology

After going through an intense phase of development in the Metaverse, Meta, the company founded by Mark Zuckerberg, now seems to be turning its attention to a new technological vision: augmented reality (AR). With the presentation of the new “Orion” AR glasses, Meta aims to merge the digital and physical worlds in a way that could revolutionize our everyday lives. AR is not just an extension of reality, but could be considered the next technological revolution in the near future.

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A new technological focus at Meta

Meta's decision to move away from its original efforts in the Metaverse and instead rely on AR technologies marks a significant turning point in the company's strategy. At the Meta Connect conference, the “Orion” AR glasses were unveiled as the latest flagship product designed to fundamentally change the way people interact with digital content. While previous products such as the Ray-Ban Meta glasses only served as a smart addition to the smartphone, “Orion” goes far beyond that and is intended to offer users real AR experiences.

Meta's goal is to make AR technologies suitable for the mass market and to integrate interaction with digital content into users' everyday lives. “We are on the threshold of a new era,” Zuckerberg explained at the conference, “an era in which the boundaries between the physical and digital worlds will blur.” This new vision suggests that meta is not the future of technology only in virtual worlds, but in the fusion of real and augmented reality.

The technology behind the “Orion” glasses

The “Orion” glasses are equipped with a variety of innovative technologies that are intended to enable seamless and natural interaction with digital content. One of the standout features is hand tracking, which has already been used in the Meta Quest virtual reality (VR) glasses. In “Orion”, this is supplemented by a so-called EMG wristband, a bracelet that is able to record the finest muscle movements in the wrist. This technology makes it possible to precisely control the AR glasses through simple gestures without relying on physical controllers.

In addition, the glasses also offer the possibility of voice control and eye tracking, which should further refine the user experience. These features allow users to interact with digital content in entirely new ways, simply by looking at or pointing at objects to retrieve information or trigger actions. This innovative technology is intended to enable the “Orion” glasses to function as an intuitive interface between humans and machines.

Meta AI: Artificial intelligence at the heart of the “Orion” glasses

A central element in how the new AR glasses work is the integration of Meta AI. This artificial intelligence plays a key role in personalizing and optimizing the user experience. Meta AI allows the glasses to not only respond to simple commands, but also to be able to take on complex tasks. For example, by simply pointing at an object, AI can provide relevant information or automatically perform certain actions.

A conceivable application scenario is extended navigation: By wearing the glasses, the user can receive visual information about their surroundings in real time. For example, the glasses could show the wearer the best route or provide information about nearby places. The “Orion” glasses could also play a central role in the work environment by helping users to complete tasks more efficiently or by being used in training courses. According to Meta, the combination of AR and AI offers “an entirely new way of human-computer interaction that is both practical and revolutionary.”

A new way of digital interaction

Orion's technology is more than just a gimmick - it could fundamentally change the way people consume information and interact with their environment. AR has the potential to have a big impact in both professional and personal areas. In education, AR glasses could give teachers and students access to immersive learning environments that clearly visualize complex topics. For example, engineers and architects could work on real-world projects while overlaying digital models in real time to verify their designs.

For the average consumer, AR could change the way we engage with entertainment and media. Instead of looking at screens, users could experience movies, games or social media right in their surroundings without being distracted by the physical world. AR glasses could also play a role in communication by bringing people together in virtual spaces without them having to be physically present.

Challenges and opportunities on the path to mass acceptance

Despite the groundbreaking technology, Meta and other companies working in AR face several challenges. One of the biggest hurdles to market readiness is how to make this technology both affordable and user-friendly. AR glasses have so far been niche products that are often expensive and bulky. In order for “Orion” glasses to make the leap to the mass market, design, functionality and price must be coordinated in such a way that they are attractive to a broad target group.

Another challenge is social acceptance of this new technology. Similar to the introduction of smartphones, AR glasses may initially be met with skepticism, particularly when it comes to privacy and security. Since the glasses could continuously collect information about their users' surroundings, strict guidelines and security precautions must be put in place to prevent misuse. Meta has already announced that it sees privacy as a top priority to gain user trust.

Mark Zuckerberg's vision of an “AR-centric” future

Mark Zuckerberg has repeatedly expressed optimism about the potential of AR technologies. In an interview, he said: “We believe that AR glasses will be the next big computing device, similar to the smartphone of a decade ago.” This vision is based on the assumption that AR glasses will become an indispensable device in the coming years could become a tool in our daily lives. They could take on tasks that are still performed on smartphones or computers today, while opening up new possibilities for digital interaction.

Meta is investing significant resources in the further development of the “Orion” glasses and hopes to achieve the technological breakthrough in the next few years that could make AR the new mainstream technology. However, the company emphasizes that it will take some time before this vision becomes a reality. “We are on the right track,” said Zuckerberg, “but there are still many technological challenges that we need to overcome before AR glasses become ubiquitous.”

The path to an “expanded” future

With the development of the “Orion” AR glasses, Meta is pursuing an ambitious vision that has the potential to fundamentally change our relationship with the digital world. While the Metaverse represents a more experimental approach, Meta is now focused on a more tangible technology that could have a lasting impact on people's everyday lives. It remains exciting to see whether and how this technology will become established. But one thing is clear: Meta is determined to be at the forefront of this next technological revolution.

The 'Orion' AR Glasses – Meta's new or parallel focus on AR technology to the Metaverse?

Meta Platforms, formerly known as Facebook, has made significant investments in the development of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies in recent years. These technologies are central to the company's vision of creating a comprehensive metaverse - an immersive digital environment where people can interact with each other as if they were physically together. A central project in this context is the development of the “Orion” AR glasses. This device could be a crucial step in Meta's strategy to make the Metaverse a reality.

The “Orion” AR glasses: an overview

The “Orion” AR glasses are an internal Meta project that has been in development for several years. The aim is to create lightweight, stylish and feature-rich AR glasses that offer users a completely new experience. In contrast to previous AR devices, which are often clunky and limited to specific applications, “Orion” is intended to be an everyday device that can be seamlessly integrated into users’ lives.

The glasses are intended to project information directly into the user's field of vision, enable interactions with virtual objects and design communication in new ways. The focus is on the idea that glasses could replace smartphones in many areas of application. Functions such as phone calls, messages, navigation and even video conferences could be handled directly via the glasses.

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Meta's vision of the Metaverse and the role of "Orion"

The Metaverse is more than just a virtual space; it is an extension of the real world with digital elements. Meta sees this as the next evolutionary stage of the Internet, in which physical and digital reality merge. The “Orion” AR glasses could serve as a gateway to this augmented reality.

By integrating AR technology into a wearable and everyday device, “Orion” enables users to experience the Metaverse anytime, anywhere. For example, they could hold virtual meetings in their real environment, view interactive 3D models, or access information about places and objects around them in real time.

New or parallel focus?

Meta has already made significant progress in VR, most notably with the acquisition of Oculus and the development of the Oculus Quest series. These VR headsets have revolutionized the way people can immerse themselves in virtual worlds. With the “Orion” AR glasses, Meta is expanding its focus into AR, leading some to ask: Is this a new focus or a parallel development?

The answer probably lies in a combination of both. While VR offers deep, immersive experiences in completely virtual worlds, AR allows digital information to be overlaid on the real world. Both technologies are complementary and play an important role in Meta's overall strategy for the Metaverse. By simultaneously developing VR and AR technologies, Meta is positioning itself as a leading player in both areas.

Technological challenges

Developing powerful AR glasses like “Orion” is no easy task. There are numerous technical hurdles to overcome:

Display technology

Projecting clear, vivid images into the user's field of vision requires advanced microdisplay technologies.

Computing power

Running complex AR applications in real time requires significant computing power that must be packaged in a small form factor.

Energy efficiency

A long battery life is crucial for everyday usability. Energy-saving components and efficient software are therefore essential.


The glasses must be constantly connected to the internet, ideally via fast wireless connections such as 5G.

user friendliness

Operation must be intuitive, possibly through voice control, gestures or eye movements.

Privacy and security

Since the glasses potentially continuously collect data from the environment, strict data protection measures must be implemented.

Potential impact on society

The introduction of “Orion” AR glasses could have a profound impact on the way people interact with technology and each other. Some possible scenarios are:

New forms of communication

Virtual holograms could replace traditional video calls, providing a greater sense of presence.

Advanced Education

Interactive learning content could be projected directly into the students' environment, making learning more vivid and effective.

Changing work environments

Remote work could be made even more efficient through virtual offices and meetings.

Entertainment and gaming

New AR games could use the real world as a playing field, enabling completely new gaming experiences.

Critical voices and ethical considerations

As with any new technology, there are critical voices with AR and especially with the “Orion” AR glasses. Concerns exist about privacy, social impact and potential reliance on technology. It is important that Meta takes these concerns seriously and acts responsibly.

Exciting project with incredible potential

The “Orion” AR glasses are an exciting project that has the potential to further blur the boundaries between the physical and digital worlds. Whether it is seen as a new or parallel focus in Meta's strategy is ultimately less relevant than the fact that it is an integral part of the Metaverse's vision.

With the “Orion” AR glasses, Meta could take a significant step towards a future in which AR technology becomes commonplace. It remains to be seen how successfully the company will overcome the technical and ethical challenges. However, one thing is certain: developments in this area will have a lasting impact on the way we see and interact with the world.

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