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AI does not replace digital marketing – AI Is Not Replacing People in Digital Marketing

AI will not replace digital marketing – @shutterstock | HBRH

AI will not replace digital marketing – @shutterstock | HBRH

Artificial intelligence is taking off and transforming every industry, leading many people to fear that ever better intelligent systems will replace human workers. The AI ​​market is forecast to grow by 154 percent in 2019, and while this crucial development is evolving into the industry, not every area is adapting equally.

For digital marketers looking to implement artificial intelligence in various facets of their digital strategy, it is unlikely that artificial intelligence will take over from human employees. In a survey of digital marketing agencies conducted by I AB Europe and Xaxis , only 6 percent of respondents said replacing humans is the most common AI application for their agencies.

In general, using artificial intelligence to optimize business processes and target audiences have been the two most common uses for the technology in digital marketing agencies. Nearly six in 10 marketers said they would integrate artificial intelligence systems into their agencies to enable better targeting. Another 55 percent of respondents said they use the technology to better identify users and audiences.

Artificial intelligence is taking off and transforming every industry, causing many people to worry that ever-improving intelligent systems will replace human workers. In 2019, the AI ​​market is projected to grow by 154 percent, and while this pivotal advancement is working its way into industries, not every field is adapting it in the same way.

For digital marketers looking to implement artificial intelligence across different facets of their digital strategy, artificial intelligence does not look likely to take over from human workers. In a survey of digital marketing agencies conducted by IAB Europe and Xaxis , only 6 percent of respondents said that replacing humans is the most common AI application for their agencies.

Generally, using artificial intelligence to optimize business processes and target key audience members were the two most common applications for the technology in digital marketing agencies. Nearly six out of ten marketers said that they were incorporating artificial intelligence systems into their agencies to deliver better targeting. An additional 55 percent of respondents said they were using the technology to better identify users and audience.

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