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My birthday wish for September 2nd, 2024 - We need doers 4.0 with rough edges, controversial

We need makers 4.0 with rough edges and contentious

We need makers 4.0 with rough edges, controversial – Image: Xpert.Digital

🎂🌟 My birthday wish for September 2nd, 2024

In today's world, crises and opportunities are often close together 🔄. It seems as if the old models that shaped our social and economic system have been shattered 🌍💥. The voices of dogmatists dominate the mainstream media, they raise their warning voices and dominate the headlines 📢🗞. But it is precisely in such moments of uncertainty that the opportunity opens up to take new paths, question old ways of thinking and open ourselves up to innovations 🔍💡. The urge for renewal is noticeable, and it's time we actively shape it ✨🛠.

🚀 We need makers 4.0 with rough edges, controversial

We now need a generation of doers who don't just talk, but act 🏃‍♂️💬. “Doers 4.0” – that’s what you could call them – are people with rough edges. They are uncomfortable, ask questions where others are silent, and have the courage to step into the ring 👊🤔. We don't need experts, consultants or coaches who give advice from a safe distance from the second row 👥🚫. What we really need are practitioners who are willing to get their hands dirty, fail, and get back up 🏗️🔄. We need a culture of debate that is based on pragmatism instead of ideology 🗣️⚖️. A culture that allows you to question things and not only tolerate suggestions for improvement, but actively demand them 🔄🗨️. “Then do better!” should be the new motto at the end of every discussion 📣✨.

📈 The German virtues: A legacy that obliges

People often talk about the German virtues, and rightly so 🇩🇪✊. Hard work, discipline and precision are values ​​that have shaped Germany for decades 💼🕰. “Sweat, tears and success” – this maxim is deeply anchored in our history 💦😢🏆. But these virtues are not exclusively ours. They belong to everyone who wants to achieve success through effort and perseverance 🌎🔝. In a globalized world, they are universal principles that can move us all forward 🔄🌍.

🌑 The other side of the coin: the vices

But where there is light, there are also shadows ☀️🌑. In addition to the virtues, there are also the non-virtues, which are deeply anchored in human nature 💔🙈. And yes, we Germans are not immune to it either 🇩🇪⚠️. We tend to present ourselves as world champions in knowing better, and when things don't go according to plan, we quickly fall into nostalgia 😤📉. This behavior has increasingly increased in recent years. The times when we tackled challenges with optimism and drive seem to be forgotten 🔄🏃. Instead, complaints and resignation dominate the mood in the country 🗣️💔.

💡 Why are we not lazy but blocked?

It would be wrong to say that we have become lazy or comfortable 🛌🚫. On the contrary: the current bad mood, which is often interpreted as a sign of lethargy or disinterest, is deeply rooted in real worries and fears 😰🔒. Our society is charged with tensions and conflicts that are noticeable in all areas of life 🔌🥊. But instead of tackling these challenges with determination and creativity, we poison the mood with pessimism and cynicism 🌀😒.

🤝 A call for collective action

I am firmly convinced that the day will come when we realize that things cannot continue like this 📆🌟. This day will force us to overlook our differences and spit into each other's hands again 👫💪. We will have to remove the obstacles that are still blocking us today 🧱🚶‍♂️. It will be a day when we sweep away collective injustice and reflect on what has made us strong: the ability to overcome challenges as a community 👥🌪.

🌟 My wish for the future

This day when we tackle things together again is my greatest wish for my birthday 🎂🤲. I wish that we stop losing ourselves in self-pity and instead invest our energy in solutions 🔋📈. I wish that we leave behind the ideologies that divide us and focus on what unites us 🌈🤝. The challenges are great, but they are not insurmountable 🏔️🛣️. If we reflect on our strengths and revive the virtues that once made us successful, we can also overcome this crisis 💪🔥.

The future does not belong to those who hesitate, but to those who act 👊🌅. Let's become the doers our country needs now ✊🇩🇪. Let us rediscover the pragmatism that defines us and welcome the day when we face the challenges with our heads held high 🚀🌞. It is my wish that we should long for this day not only for ourselves, but for future generations who depend on our example 🌱🔜.


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